This is an app I produced for my final year Project and to learn and practice various aspects of Android Development, Kotlin and Software Architecture/Seperation of concerns.
- Kotlin
- Single Activity Architecture
- Clean Architecture
- Coroutines
- Room
- LiveData
- Android navigation Library
- Android Databinding
- Android ViewModel
- Dagger 2(Previously Koin)
- ThreetenABP
- Google Flexbox
- Material Design Library
- Junit5
- MockK
- MotionLayout
- Moshi
- Timber
Two iterations of a month calendar similar in function to the one in the Google Calenda Android app made using nested recyclerviews(on the left) and a viewpager with a recyclerview (on the right). By properly seperating code (e.g like into this MonthCalendarInteractor) I was able to play around with the presentation with less rewriting of code