create an app that uses the Google Fit Api to display daily step count over a period of 7 days
- Use the RecordingClient class to Record the users step count
- Use the HistoryClient to save the step count data and retrieve it for display
- Use A library such as MPAndroidChart or possibly MotionLayout
- Manifest Permission for Activity Recognition for Api level 28 and below added
- Implementation of Runtime permision request flow for Activity Recognition for Android Q(Api level 29) started
- Began Setup of Dagger Modules and Dependency injection
- Began creation of Api Client classes
- Application registered with Oauth
- Finish Dagger Dependency Injection Graph
- Create Api Classes for the RecordingClient and HistoryClient and implement all the neccesary functions needed
- Finsish Authorisation Flow
- Implement presentation of Step Data