A self-taught programmer from Poland who codes in his free time (basically all day)
KwiatekMiki's Following
- pyrohostUnited States of America
- rebane2001Estonia
- kiyosh11europe
- tea-aka-lucolorado
- cv003kyiv
- mastodonGermany
- Lunaynen
- caninetoolsUnited States of America
- artifyber@Artibun
- RichardKanshen@DeadCodeGames & @Juxtify4Spotify
- MalkistCoderIndonesia
- codeberg
- fortheinternet
- uBlockOrigin
- hyperdefined@ArdenWolfsky @caninetools
- keepassxrebootGlobal
- jhllc
- theNetworkChuck
- JohnHammond
- lostdusty
- timelessnessesThung Song School
- discordSan Francisco, CA
- tolly500
- griffpatch
- bluesky-social
- dani3l0Poland
- owofied127.0.0.1
- elonmuskdeals
- imput-i18n
- MontiDaProot127.0.0.1/walls
- SnazzahTexas
- TechSecWasTakenTechSec Co (not real)
- torvaldsLinux Foundation
- synzr@tskau
- photopeaPrague, the Czech Republic