Libraries for STM32 to control following devices:
- High-Precision Pressure Sensor (MPL3115A2)
- Low-power 3D Magnetometer (MAG3110)
- 3-Axis, Digital Accelerometer (MMA8491Q)
- CO2 and TVOC Air Quality Sensor (CCS811)
- I2C access to the PN532 RFID/Near Field Communication chip
Libraries for STM32 to control following devices:
- High-Precision Pressure Sensor (MPL3115A2)
- Low-power 3D Magnetometer (MAG3110)
- CO2 and TVOC Air Quality Sensor (CCS811)
Ported from following sources:
- Magnetometer calibration hasn't been tested.
- Pressure Sensor only includes code to read out the pressure in pascal. It includes two configuration modes:
- Reading the sensor regardless of whether the sensor has new data
- Receiving an interrupt signal when new data is available
- CCS811 reports incorrect values between correct values with the RPI
- RPI first 'make' and then compile with following command: 'gcc -o tempProg test.c libmemssensor.a -l bcm2835'
- PN532 example included