The really universal entity notation. Description of the notation for entities in the code.
- AndreyJVMEarth
- Bilal-Aslam-DevKoderlabs
- BubhuxFrance
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- dev-sireBusiness IT Solutions
- dukbongGyeonggi-do Ansan, Repulic of Korea
- emersonlaraOctus System
- ericungAvanade
- eugene-paninBestplace Inc.
- fca-01Desenvolvedor Front-end
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- jespy666🇮🇳 India
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- Meetjain1IIIT Jabalpur
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- Mohammad-Jokar
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- Nedved942Lublin, Poland
- NiesciorMichalWork: ENERGETIC GUIDES | Student: Silesian University of Technology
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- redLiquidatorSeoul, South Korea
- rfeinberg3Lockheed Martin
- RuiZhong961230Hokkaido University
- Shehab-Hegabeygpt
- ShonHarshGreenville, SC
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- tsukipond8531Sapporo, Japan
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