This project is an E-commerce website built using the MERN (MongoDB, Express.js, React.js, Node.js) stack. It incorporates JWT (JSON Web Token) authentication for secure user access.


This project aims to create a robust E-commerce platform leveraging the MERN stack. It provides essential functionalities for users to browse products, add them to cart, make purchases securely, and manage their accounts.


  • User authentication and authorization using JWT tokens.
  • Product catalog with detailed descriptions and images.
  • Shopping cart management.
  • Secure checkout process.
  • User profile management (update details, view order history).

Technologies Used

  • Frontend: React.js, Redux (for state management).
  • Backend: Node.js, Express.js, MongoDB (Atlas for cloud database), Mongoose (ODM library).
  • Authentication: JWT (JSON Web Tokens) for secure authentication.
  • Deployment: Vercel.