
Main smart contract for Pro-AMM

Primary LanguageTypeScriptMIT LicenseMIT

KyberSwap Elastic

Main smart contract repo for KyberSwap Elastic

Deployed contracts

Contracts are available on: Ethereum, Polygon, BNB Chain, Avalanche, Arbitrum, Optimism, Fantom, BitTorrent, Cronos, Oasis, Velas.

Main contracts:

  • Factory: 0x5F1dddbf348aC2fbe22a163e30F99F9ECE3DD50a
  • Router: 0xC1e7dFE73E1598E3910EF4C7845B68A9Ab6F4c83
  • AntiSnippingAttackPositionManager: 0x2B1c7b41f6A8F2b2bc45C3233a5d5FB3cD6dC9A8


  • QuoterV2: 0x0D125c15D54cA1F8a813C74A81aEe34ebB508C1f
  • TickFeesReader: 0x165c68077ac06c83800d19200e6E2B08D02dE75D


  • TokenPositionDescriptor (implementation): 0xDA474537cE9b687b78B236452A05631f09B6EB6A
  • TokenPositionDescriptor (proxy): 0x8abd8c92F1901cf204590c16b5EF690a35b3741E


Check out audit_docs/KyberSwap_Elastic_Whitepaper_180622.pdf file for the latest KyberSwap Elastic whitepaper.

Audit report

KyberSwap Elastic – Security Audit Report by Chain Security

Technical documentation

The implementation details can be found here


yarn c to compile contracts for all solidity versions.

Testing with Hardhat

  1. If contracts have not been compiled, run yarn c. This step can be skipped subsequently.
  2. Run yarn test

Example Commands

  • yarn test (Runs all tests)
  • yarn test test/Pool.spec.ts (Test only Pool.spec.ts)


yarn coverage (Runs coverage for all applicable files)


docker-compose up -d (Runs a new echidna-test container)

docker exec -it elastic-echidna bash (Accesses to the container)

  • ./echidna.sh (Runs echidna-test for all contracts)
  • echidna-test . --contract {{Contract Name}} --config echidna.config.yml --test-mode assertion (Runs echidna-test for each contract)


npx hardhat deployTokenPositionDescriptor --input xxx --network nnn to deploy token descriptor proxy + implementation contracts.

  • Example: npx hardhat deployTokenPositionDescriptor --input mainnet.json --network mainnet

npx hardhat deployElastic --input xxx --gasprice ggg --network nnn to deploy all contracts.

  • Example: npx hardhat deployElastic --input mainnet.json --gasprice 5 --network mainnet