
List of unclaimed rewards for KyberSwap Elastic Liquidity mining at 2023-04-18 16:00:00 UTC

Unclaimed rewards for KyberSwap Elastic Liquidity Mining

This project shows the unclaimed rewards for KyberSwap Elastic Liquidity Mining across chains, at 2023-04-18 16:00:00 UTC.

For detail records of unclaimed rewards for each NFT for each chain, please visit snapshots folder, or click to the following links:

For the total unclaimed rewards for each reward token for each chain, please visit group_unclaimed_total.json

We also add snapshots of liquidity providers on Elastic pools, at around 2023-04-25 14:10:00 UTC. Please visit lp-snapshots folder. We might update this list in the future.

How we get this data

  1. We get the snapshot of unclaimed rewards near 2023-04-18 16:00:00 UTC. For the exact value, we get the snapshot at these block numbers:

    • Arbitrum: 81794760
    • Avalanche: 28912368
    • Ethereum: 17074602
    • Optimism: 91968300
    • Polygon: 41677128
  2. We use our KyberSwap Elastic Subgraphs, to get all joinedPositions at the snapshot block.

    The KyberSwap Elastic Subgraphs we are using:

  3. From the joinedPositions above, we filter only positions in these farms:

    • Arbitrum: 0xBdEc4a045446F583dc564C0A227FFd475b329bf0
    • Avalanche: 0xBdEc4a045446F583dc564C0A227FFd475b329bf0
    • Ethereum: 0xb85ebE2e4eA27526f817FF33fb55fB240057C03F
    • Optimism: 0xb85ebE2e4eA27526f817FF33fb55fB240057C03F
    • Polygon: 0xBdEc4a045446F583dc564C0A227FFd475b329bf0
  4. For each joinedPositions, we call the function of the farming contract getUserInfo(nftId, pId) with block_identifier=<snapshot_block_number> to get the pending rewards at the snapshot time.