
A modern re-implementation of the classic DOS game Duke Nukem II

Primary LanguageC++GNU General Public License v2.0GPL-2.0

Rigel Engine Build Status Windows build status

What is Rigel Engine?

This project is a re-implementation of the game Duke Nukem II, originally released by Apogee Software in 1993. RigelEngine works as a drop-in replacement for the original executable: It reads the original data files and offers the same experience (plus some improvements), but runs natively on modern operating systems, and is written in modern C++ code with a completely new architecture under the hood. It is similar to projects like Omnispeak or Commander Genius, which do the same thing for the Commander Keen series of games.

There was never any source code released for the original game, so this project is based on reverse-engineering: A mix of reading assembly and analyzing video captures from DosBox.

Here's a video showcasing the project:

Current state

RigelEngine implements all the game mechanics and enemies found in the original game's first episode, i.e. the shareware episode. The intro movie, story sequence and most of the menu system are implemented as well. It's possible to load and save the game, and the high score lists work (saved games and high scores from the original game will be imported into RigelEngine's user profile when launching it for the first time). Therefore, the shareware episode is fully playable with RigelEngine.

The levels from the registered version (i.e. episodes 2, 3 and 4) can also be loaded, and they should mostly work, but not all of the enemies found in those levels are functional yet. In addition, Duke's space ship is not implemented yet, which means the levels where it is required can't be completed yet.

Some other features that still need to be implemented:

  • Demo playback
  • Enemy radar in game
  • Options menu/configuring the game

Plus, it would be nice to make launching the game easier in the future, e.g. by having some kind of launcher application or setup program.

Running RigelEngine

In order to run RigelEngine, the game data from the original game is required. Both the shareware version and the registered version work. To make RigelEngine find the game data, you can either:

a) copy the RigelEngine executable (and accompanying DLLs) into the directory containing the game data, and launch RigelEngine.exe instead of NUKEM2.EXE. This is the recommended way to run it on Windows. b) pass the path to the game data as a command line argument to RigelEngine. This is the recommended way to run it on Linux/OS X.

For example, let's say you have your copy of Duke Nukem II in /home/niko/Duke2, and a build of RigelEngine in /home/niko/RigelEngine/build. You would then start the game as follows:

cd /home/niko/RigelEngine/build
./src/RigelEngine /home/niko/Duke2

Acquiring the game data

The full version of the game (aka registered version) is not available currently, but you can still download the freely available shareware version from the old 3D Realms site - look for a download link for the file 4duke.zip. You can also find the same file on various websites if you Google for "Duke Nukem 2 shareware".

The download contains an installer which only runs on MS-DOS, but you don't need that - you can simply rename the file DN2SW10.SHR (also part of the download) to .zip and open it using your favorite archive manager. After that, you can point RigelEngine to the directory where you extracted the files, and it should work.

If you already have a copy of the game, you can also point RigelEngine to that existing installation.

The only files actually required for RigelEngine are:

  • NUKEM2.CMP (the main data file)
  • NUKEM2.F1, .F2, .F3 etc. up to .F5 (intro movie files)

Currently, the game will abort if the intro movies are missing, but they aren't mandatory for gameplay, and I'm planning to make them optional in the future.

Command line options

The most important command line options are:

  • -l: jump to a specific level. E.g. -l L5 to play the 5th level of episode 1.
  • -s: skip intro movies, go straight to main menu
  • --no-music: don't play music
  • -h/--help: show all command line options

Building from source

Linux build quick start guide

If you're on Linux and running a recent enough Ubuntu/Debian-like distro1, here's how to quickly get the project up and running. Instructions for OS X and Windows can be found further down.

# Install all external dependencies, as well as the CMake build system:
sudo apt-get install cmake libboost-all-dev libsdl2-dev libsdl2-mixer-dev

# Clone the repo and initialize submodules:
git clone git@github.com:lethal-guitar/RigelEngine.git
cd RigelEngine
git submodule update --init --recursive

# Configure and build:
mkdir build
cd build
cmake ..

# NOTE:  Pass -j<NUM_PROCESSES> to 'make' in order to get multi-core
# compilation, '8' is a good number for a 4-core machine with hyperthreading

# Now run it!
./src/RigelEngine <PATH_TO_YOUR_GAME_FILES>

Detailed build pre-requisites and dependencies

To build from source, a C++ 17 compatible compiler is required. The project has been built successfully on the following compilers:

  • Microsoft Visual Studio 2017 (version 15.9.4 or newer)
  • gcc 8.1.0
  • clang 7.0.0

Slightly older versions of gcc/clang might also work, but I haven't tried that.

The project depends on the following libraries:

  • SDL >= 2.0.4
  • SDL_mixer >= 2.0.1
  • Boost >= 1.67

The following further dependencies are already provided as submodules or source code (in the 3rd_party directory):

  • entityx Entity-Component-System framework, v. 1.1.2
  • Speex Resampler (taken from libspeex)
  • DBOPL AdLib emulator (taken from DosBox)
  • Catch testing framework

Building on OS X works almost exactly like the Linux build, except for getting the dependencies. If you have Homebrew, you can get them using the following:

brew install cmake sdl2 sdl2_mixer boost

Note that you'll need Xcode 10 and OS X Mojave (10.14) if you want to use Apple's clang compiler. The project builds fine with a non-Apple clang though, so if you're on an older OS X version, you can still build it. Here's how you would install clang via Homebrew and build the project using it:

# You might need to run brew update
brew install llvm

# Set up environment variables so that CMake picks up the newly installed clang -
# this is only necessary the first time
export rigel_llvm_path=`brew --prefix llvm`;
export CC="$rigel_llvm_path/bin/clang";
export CXX="$CC++";
export CPPFLAGS="-I$rigel_llvm_path/include";
export LDFLAGS="-L$rigel_llvm_path/lib -Wl,-rpath,$rigel_llvm_path/lib";
unset rigel_llvm_path;

# Now, the regular build via CMake should work:
mkdir build
cd build
cmake ..

To build on Windows, you'll need to install CMake and provide binaries for the external dependencies listed above. You can get them using the following links:

In order for CMake (or cmake-gui) to automatically find all dependencies, you can set the following environment variables prior to running CMake:

# Assuming you've used the Boost installer linked above, and installed to BOOST_LOCATION

# These should point to the respective root directory of the unzipped packages linked above

If you're using git-bash on Windows, an easy way to do so is by adding the corresponding export commands in your.bashrc.

Note: All of the above would need slight adjustments in order to create a 32-bit build. Also I haven't tried building 32-bit so far, so it's possible that some additional changes would be necessary.

[1]: I'm using Linux Mint 18, based on Ubuntu 16.04 Xenial Xerus