CSV to HTML CLI Utility

A simple CLI utility for converting CSV to an HTML table. CSV input can be provided as either a file argument or from the clipboard.

You can either use git to clone this project or download the package as a zip file.


As an optional recommended step, first set up either a virtual environment or something like Anaconda to create a python sandbox (use only one of these methods, not both):

# with virtual environments in Python 3.7+
python3 -m venv csvenv
source csvenv/bin/activate
# with Anaconda:
conda create -n csvutil python=3.8
conda activate csvutil

Once a virtual environment is created, install the requirements:

# using Python 3.x
pip install -r requirements.txt


python csv-html.py --file=~/Downloads/test.csv

# or to use the contents of the clipboard:

python csv-html.py

If you come across any issues with this utility, please open an issue on GitHub.