A type-safe DSL that renders dynamic HTML templates in Swift

Primary LanguageSwiftMIT LicenseMIT


Render dynamic HTML templates in a typesafe and performant way! By using Swift's powerful language features and a pre-rendering algorithm, HTMLKit will render insanely fast templates but also catch bugs that otherwise might occur with other templating options.

Getting Started


Add the packages as dependecies and targets to your package file.

/// [Package.swift]

dependencies: [
    ///1. Add the packages
    .package(name: "HTMLKit", url: "https://github.com/vapor-community/HTMLKit.git", from: "2.4.0"),
    .package(name: "HTMLKitVaporProvider", url: "https://github.com/vapor-community/htmlkit-vapor-provider.git", from: "1.2.1")
targets: [
        dependencies: [
            /// 2. Add the products
            .product(name: "HTMLKit", package: "HTMLKit"),
            .product(name: "HTMLKitVaporProvider", package: "HTMLKitVaporProvider")

Read the installation instructions for more information.


Create a new file in your project. Add the import at the top of your file and declare a new structure. Extend your structure by adding a layout definition to adopt the required properties and methods. Add your content to the body property.

/// [SimplePage.swift]

/// 1. Add the import
import HTMLKit

/// 2. Define a new structure
struct SimplePage: Page {

    /// 3. Add some content
    var body: AnyContent {
        Document(type: .html5)
        Html {
            Head {
                Title { 
            Body {
                Paragraph {
                    "Hello World!"


Call the structure you have created in your controller handler and use the render method to render the view for the request.

/// [SimpleController.swift]

final class SimpleController {
    func getPage(req: Request) throws -> EventLoopFuture<View> {
        /// 1. Call the structure
        return SimplePage().render(for: req)







See the instructions to learn more about the library and the features.