
I built a bar in my apartment that has a QR code that links to this website. Guest can view my wine, beer, and cocktail list with advanced filtering. Additionally there is an admin view where I can add and remove items via database calls with admin privileges.



While there are much easier ways to build a menu, I wanted to build something in a ultra modern stack in order to increase my skills and that I would enjoy building. I think most QR code menus are bad and I wanted to see if I could build one that feels modern, lightweight, and easy to use. Most menus are either PDFs that require a lot of pinch-and-scroll or gunky UIs. I've built a nested-tag based approach here as it fits into the pattern of modern websites. I took a lot of influence from the 2021 Spotify app redesign.



Technical highlights

  • Static rendering - NextJs makes it simple to construct static pages at build using getStaticProps. More on that NextJs feature can be found here.
  • ltree for filtering - Postgres 9 has a built in datatype called ltree that allows for native tree like structures. This was utilized to make the nested categories. Documentation for ltrees can be found here.

Getting Started

I'm currently not accepting merge requests. If you'd like to play with the repo yourself:

  • Clone the repo with git clone
  • Integrate with Vercel
  • Integrate with supabase
  • Run all migrations in order found in the migration folder
  • Begin server by running npm run dev
  • Go to http://localhost:3000 with your browser

Next steps

  • I'd like to build out the local recommendations using a Google maps integration that would display if a local attraction/restaurant is open.
  • The routes aren't the best as the root is still the login page and the base URL is from Vercel. I plan on replacing this when I settle on a real URL.
  • I also have grand ambitions on building a rasberri pi powered printer that would allow users to order from the menu and automatically print the ticket for me.