
my personal config files

Primary LanguageVim Script

Install my dotfiles and common utilities on the different machines I work on.

Uses Ansible to make it all easy.

To run it do something like ansible-playbook dev.yml -i ~/.ansible_hosts -Kv

The -K is necessary for localhost. Otherwise don't use that flag.

A sample .ansible_hosts file might look like this:

localhost              ansible_connection=local

[vps]   ansible_ssh_user=root


Install Homebrew manually and then run brew install ansible to get Ansible working. Then clone this repo, create a ~/.ansible_hosts file, and run the above command.

Manual post-install steps which perhaps could be automated but which aren't atm

  • Import iterm2 solarized theme from the downloads folder
  • Set iterm2 font to inconsolata 13pt
  • Copy ssh keys
  • run brew cask alfred link
  • Set iterm2 scrollback to unlimited

Docker image

These dotfiles + config + Ubuntu are now a Docker image!

To run it with your ssh port forwarding:

docker run -rm -t -i -v $(dirname $SSH_AUTH_SOCK):$(dirname $SSH_AUTH_SOCK) -e SSH_AUTH_SOCK=$SSH_AUTH_SOCK kyma/dev-image bash