
Creating a multimodal chatbot based ML application to enable computers to understand and react to emotions.

Primary LanguageJavaScript


Creating a multimodal chatbot based ML application to enable computers to understand and react to emotions.


Emotional intelligence is a complex construct consisting of four factors: well-being, self-control, emotionality, and sociability. Researchers conducted a "cross-temporal meta-analysis" to examine changes in emotional intelligence over time. The study included 70 studies with nearly 17,000 participants from the US, UK, Canada, and Australia. They found that time was significantly negatively associated with three facets of emotional intelligence. The authors speculate that the rapid rise in young adults' use of social media might be responsible for some of the declines in emotional intelligence. Social media increasingly "replaces in-person communication resulting in increasing loneliness". The researchers recommend implementing interventions that can improve trait emotional intelligence over the long term.

In a world where emotional intelligence is on the decline in the past couple of years. Where humans spend most of their waking hours interacting with technology. We thought of creating a robust Intelligent Virtual Friend (IVF) who understands your emotions and can react appropriately.
Many people avoid or forego mental health treatment, due to several main reasons. One of the biggest barriers is being judged by others and doubting that it will work. Some people have a hard time admitting they need help and surrendering to the treatment process. Others think they should be able to solve their problems without professional help. There is a stigma against mental illness and many people don't want to be considered mentally ill, says psychotherapist Kristin Larsen.

"People also seem to be very afraid of feeling their feelings and of being judged," says Therapist Sarah Thacker. Hence having a personal IVF to chat with privately is expected to boost overall mental health.


Neave Paul

Afif Deshmukh

Kyle Dsouza

Chinmay Kadam