A clean and highly customisable theme for obsidian.
Highly recommended for use with style settings plugin.
Enable in style settings plugin.
Enable in style settings plugin.
Enable in style settings plugin.
Create your own UI style using style settings plugin. Here are some presets:
(Presets Usage: Copy code from link, paste it into style settings and restart obsidian.)
Obsidian-default-light-alt (Light Mode)
Boundary (Light Mode)
Neumorphism (Light Mode)
Translucent (Dark Mode) (Extra step: Enable "translucent window" in Setting-Appearance)
Sunset (Dark Mode)
Borderless (Dark Mode)
- @subframe7536's Maple theme, for the beautiful outline style and other awesome components.(buy subframe7536 a coffee)
- @kepano's Minimal, for the auto-hide tab title bar.(buy kepano a coffee)
- @hydescarf's Mado Miniflow, for the motion and layout inspiration.