Android Media Player

For this app, you'll build a simple media player app which will allow a user to retrieve audio files and play them.


  • Add a button to post an intent to request a file.

    You can use .setType("audio/*") to specify which type of file to return

  • Use MediaPlayer or VideoView to play the files as required

  • Allow for basic controls:

    • Play/Pause
    • Display progress in track with a SeekBar
    • Allow user to use the SeekBar to move to different points in the track
  • To call mediaPlayer.release() when you activity is stopped and create a new one in onStart

Go Further

There are a few additional features which you can include in order to improve your app

  • Allow users to select either audio or video files and play each one accordingly

    Use setType("video/*") to retreive a video

  • Save each track persistently with the last played position to allow the user to pick up where they left off
  • When tracks are added, add them to a list and allow the user to select previous tracks from that list
  • Instead of an intent to retrieve the images, use that intent to request a directory using setType("file/*") then step through that directory to add all media files inside of it to your list.