Network Basics


This project will have you interface with the simple API of a web comic You will build a complete app which allows a user to browse the current and previous comics on this site.


Part 1 - Setup

  1. add permission to manifest <uses-permission android:name="android.permission.INTERNET" />
  2. add android:usesCleartextTraffic="true" to application in manifest allows HTTP traffic in addition to https in android 9+

Part 2 - Network Adapter

Request for JSON Response

  1. Create a java class called NetworkAdapter
  2. Create a static method called httpRequest, this will accept a String url and a String request type.
  3. Create 3 data members in this method, a String for your result, an InputStream, and an HttpUrlConnection
  4. Network connections can result in a number of exceptions, create a try block for the rest of the method.
  5. Inside the try block Create and store a new URL object, passing in the url String parameter to the constructor.
  6. Call url.openConnection() and store is in your connection field.
  7. Create an int constant as a class data member for TIMEOUT and set the value to 3000.
  8. Call setReadTimeout and setConnectTimeout on your connection object, passing in your TIMEOUT field for both.
  9. Call connect on the connection object.
  10. Retreive and store the int response code by calling getResponseCode on your connection object.
  11. Check that value to make sure that it matches HttpsURLConnection.HTTP_OK.
  • This response code tells us that the request was processed correctly
  1. If it doesn't match, throw a new IOException and pass it the error code.
  2. You'll now need to create a catch block to handle this exception and provide a value for result
  3. Back in the try block after checking the result code store the InputStream from the connection using getInputStream
  4. Check if the stream is null. If not, create a new InputStreamReader object using your InputStream
  5. Use that InputStreamReader object to construct a new BufferedReader object and store it as reader
  6. Create a new StringBuilder object
  7. Call readLine on your reader object and store the result
  8. Write a while loop that will loop until the read line isn't null. Inside the loop, add the line to your StringBuilder and then read the next line.
  9. Convert your StringBuilder to a String and store it in your result String
  10. After your catch blocks, create a finally block.
  11. In this block, check to see if the stream is null. If not, call stream.close
  • You'll need to wrap this in a try/catch block
  1. Afterward, if connection isn't null, call disconnect on it.
  2. Return your result String
  3. In your MainActivity write a line of code to call your httpRequest method using the url and log the result. Make sure you get a reasonable result.
  • Remember, this code needs to be in a separate thread. Wrap that line in a new thread and start it.
  • The quickest way is to use code like this (new Thread(new Runnable() { ​ @Override ​ public void run() { ​ // log code here ​ } })).start();

Request for Image Response

This app will display a web comic image. The previous method will retreive a JSON object which will give us the URL for the desired image along with other data about the image. Now that we have the data and the image URL, we need to get the image file itself. Surprisingly, this is easier than getting the JSON text

  1. Write a static method called httpImageRequest which accepts a String and returns a Bitmap
  2. Follow the steps for writing your standard httpRequest until checking the result code (through step 14)
  3. Instead of building a string response with a buffer, pass it to the static method BitmapFactory.decodeStream this will return to you a Bitmap object as a result
  4. Finish the method with steps 21 - 24 of the previous section and return the Bitmap image

Part 3 - Data Model

  1. Open postman and run a GET command with the url
  2. Examine the resulting JSON and build a POJO class called XkcdComic to store an image object with the attributes seen in this JSON
  3. Write a constructor for your class which accepts a JSONObject and pulls data for your object from it using the key values you've seen in postman
  • Each of these actions should be wrapped in a try/catch statement so a single missing field doesn't negate all the data for that object

If a value in JSON is wrapped in quotes, it is a string Retreiving a value from a JSONObject is similar to retreiving it from an intent, call getString on the JSONObject for whatever type you want to retreive and pass in the key value (the green text in postman) as a string

  1. Write getters for all these data members. Don't write setters.
  2. Add another data member of type Bitmap write a getter and a setter for this member

Part 4 - Data Access Object

Now we'll write a class to wrap our generic network adapter to provide access to our specific API. The goal for a data access object is to encapsulate all the tasks that a developer could reasonably want to perform when interacting with the corredsponding database. In this case, we want the user to be able to perform 4 tasks:

  1. Get the most recent comic
  2. Get the next comic
  3. Get the previous comic
  4. Get a random comic We will write a method for each of these tasks, but first, we must write a method with all the shared code for those tasks
  5. Create a new java class called XkcdDao
  6. Create constant values for the api's base url (, one for the url ending (info.0.json), one to get the most recent comic which is the previous two concatenated, and one for retreiving a specific comic which is generated by concatenating the base and the ending and putting an id in the middle, we can do this by placing %d/ between the two other strings which will allow us to replace the value using String.format
  • doing this allows you to have a SSOT for each url you'll be using.
  1. First, we'll write the shared method.
  2. Write a private static method called getComic which accepts a String url and returns a single XkcdComic object
  3. In this method, first call your NetworkAdapter.httpRequest method and pass it in the url parameter
  4. Wrap the returned value in a JSONObject constructor and store the result.
  5. Pass your JSONObject into the XkcdComic constructor
  • you'll have to wrap your JSON interactions in a try/catch statement again. Be sure to have a return statement for every code path (you can return null for failures as long as you check for it in your calling method)
  1. Now that you have pulled the data for your comic, call your httpImageRequest method and pass it in for the comic's img attribute
  • you'll see when looking at postman, that the img attribute is the url for the image resource
  1. Take the resulting Bitmap and pass it into your comic's setImage method Now that we have the method which does our heavy lifting, we can write our wrapper methods which the user has access to
  2. First, we'll write the getRecentComic method.
  3. This is also static but will be public.
  4. Call getComic and pass in your RECENT_COMIC constant value.
  5. return the result
  6. getNextComic and getPreviousComic will both accept an XkcdComic object.
  7. They will pull the num value (remember, num must be an int as shown in the JSON in postman) and either add one or remove one from it.
  8. Take the new value and stitch it into your SPECIFIC_COMIC constant value using String.format
  9. Pass the result into getComic and return whatever it gives you
  10. The last one is a bit more complicated, we need to generate a random comic id between the oldest and newest ids
  11. Add a public static data member to the class called maxComicNumber
  12. Go into your getRecentComic method. After getting the comic and before returning it. Store its num value in your new data member

if you look experiment with the xkcd urls, you will find that there is no comic for id 0 and all the ids increment with each new comic, we'll need to know this for the next part

  1. We can generate a random number by calling the static method Math.random() this will return a value between 0.0 and 1.0. Think of this as a percent value. Multiply that number by your max and you now have a random number between 0 and your max! However, we don't want 0 so let's add 1 to the result

Math.random() will not return 1.0 as a result and as such, multiplying by your maximum will never result in your max value, so we are safe adding 1 to the result. Now the most recent comic could possibly come up in a random search

  1. Take your random number, put it into the URL, pass it to your getComic and return the result

Part 5 - Main Activity

Now we'll build an activity to use the tools we just wrote

  1. Build a layout with 3 buttons and an imageview (I used a BottomNavigationActivity to get the look that I wanted and you are welcome to do so if you want to experiment with it)
  2. Add a textview for a title and any other information you with to diaplay (Xkcd alt text is usually fun to read and expands upon the comic)
  3. Write a method called updateUI which accepts a XkcdComic object and uses it's data to populate the user interface
  4. In order to prevent bugs, you'll want to disable your previous and next buttons when your are viewing the first and last comics respectively
  5. In your onCreate method, write a simple thread to call the getRecentComic method from your DAO class and update the UI with the result. Remember to only call your updateUi method from the ui thread
  6. If that works you know your backend is GTG.
  7. Add listeners to your previous, next, and random buttons to call their respective methods (in separate threads) and test them.


  • Wrap your DAO in the MVVM architecture to allow the user to rotate their screen to better view the comic they are currently on
  • Change your simple threads to AsyncTasks
  • Add additional QOL (quality of life) features to your app like allowing the user to enter a comic id they want