
Single/Multiplayer VR Template for Touch/Vive Controllers and Avatars

MIT LicenseMIT

Proteus Template

Simple. No plugins. No fuss.

Video at https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=ml2xgiQ41BY

This template consists of virtual reality compatible pawn and settings, ready to drop in your single or multiplayer app. So what you can do is choose the features you want, and build yourself/modify a pawn based on the functionalities you need.

Latest Versions

Version 3.3 - STEAM STORE / LAN / DIRECT IP / OCULUS STORE / OCULUS DIRECT (December 14, 2017)


Other templates on GitHub / one Drive

Which HMD works with the template / why 4 different versions?

The Steam/LAN is a blueprint-only template optimized for Oculus/Vive/WMR headsets, compatible with the latest Unreal Engine launcher version. Works with Steam Store, LAN, OculusDirect, DirectIP, Oculus Store (once references to Steam are removed) The Oculus Store requires the Avatar plugin, thus requires compiling from Visual Studio; it also removes all references to Steam in order to be published on the Oculus Store. The Windows Store is based on a branch of Unreal cured by Microsoft specifically tailored for Windows Mixed Reality headsets. The base template is blueprint only, but the Unreal Engine must be compiled from the Microsoft Dev/Mixed Reality GitHub. The DirectIP with VOIP allows to use Direct with VOIP – following some plugin customization

Please read the pdf document for the complete instructions. It is found here or at https://1drv.ms/f/s!Av77lIIxt2OY0XGGW8UDwykohjuT