- 2
PermissionError on "Removing git created by copier" on windows if "git add ." is in the _tasks
#34 opened by sanzoghenzo - 2
!include is not supported
#31 opened by nicokant - 4
pre-commit hook removes files from the commit
#28 opened by yajo - 4
Not working with pre-commit
#27 opened by yajo - 5
- 2
pre-commit always fails after version bumping
#20 opened by yajo - 3
- 3
Not deterministic `_src_path` in answers file
#16 opened by yajo - 5
- 6
- 2
No failure when used as pre-commit hook
#3 opened by yajo - 0
Build a Test Suite
#10 opened by KyleKing - 0
DepShield Deprecation Notice
#6 opened by sonatype-depshield - 0
Fix CI Pipeline
#2 opened by KyleKing