
Django Rest Framework API built for Shelfie Challenge mobile app.

Primary LanguageJavaScript

ShelfieChallenge API V1

Built with Django-Rest-Framework

Table of Contents:


Access the admin panel at /admin

  • Must be either staff or superuser to login
  • Set permissions
  • Create, Retrieve, Update, Destroy records

Using django-rest-knox Token Authentication


  1. Authenticate user (either Login or Create route)
  2. Request Knox Token
  3. Receive Knox Token and user object
  4. Use Knox Token as Authorization header in future requests Example Auth header: { headers: { Authorization: 'Token <knox_token>' } }

Auth Routes

Route Type Takes Response
api/v1/login POST { 'username', 'password' } { 'token', 'user' }
api/v1/logout POST 'knox_token' Logout user
api/v1/logoutall --- --- ---
  • Pipeline with:
    • Staging
    • Production
    • Auto-deploys through github repo
  • PostgreSQL database
  • Sentry for logging
  • As simple as running git push origin master

Environment Variables

  • Project Secret Key
  • Amazon S3 Key ID
  • Amazon S3 Secret Key
  • Auto loaded through manage.py for development
  • Stored in Heroku Config Variables for production

Amazon S3

  • Bucket Name: "shelfie-challenge"
  • Region: US West (N. California)
  • File Tree:
    • shelfie-challenge
      • posts
        • photos
        • videos
      • teams
        • logos


  • Uploaded by front-end
  • Url stored in ShelfiePost.Post
  • Naming convention:
    • '<random_game_id>-<randomly_generated_id>'


  • Logos uploaded through form in admin panel
    • Using 'storages.backends.s3boto.S3BotoStorage'
    • Can't be uploaded from front-end

Clone repository:

git clone https://github.com/KyleLawson16/shelfie-backend.git

Create a virtual environment and activate it:

virtualenv env
source env/bin/activate

Install requirements:

pip install -r requirements.txt

Initialize database:

python manage.py makemigrations
python manage.py migrate
python manage.py createsuperuser

Run server:

python manage.py runserver

ShelfieChallenge.Challenge Fields

Field Type Description (* indicates required)
random_challenge_id string *(PK)
name string *Name of challenge
description string *Description of challenge
point_value integer *Point value of challenge
background_photo image Background image found at S3 challenges/*

ShelfieChallenge Routes

Route Type Takes Response
api/v1/challenges GET None list of challenges
api/v1/challenges/<random_challenge_id> GET None challenge

ShelfieGame.Game Fields

Field Type Description (* indicates required)
random_game_id string *(PK)
date date/time *Date and time of game
home_team FK(ShelfieTeam.Team) Home team in game
away_team FK(ShelfieTeam.Team) Away team in game
organization FK(ShelfieTeam.Team) Organization in charge of game
location string Location of game (arena, city, state)
challenges ManyToMany(ShelfieChallenge.Challenge) List of challenge objects available in game
prizes ManyToMany(ShelfiePrize.Prize) List of prize objects available in game
fans ManyToMany(ShelfieUser.User) List of user objects that joined game

ShelfieGame Routes

Route Type Takes Response
api/v1/games GET None list of games
api/v1/games/<random_game_id> GET None game
api/v1/games/<random_game_id> PUT 'random_user_id' adds user to Game.fans
api/v1/games/<random_game_id>/leaderboard GET None { 'random_user_id', 'username', 'points' } in descending order of pts

ShelfieKey.AmazonS3 Fields

Field Type Description (* indicates required)
bucket string *aws bucket
region string *aws region
access_key string *aws access key
secret_access_key string *aws secret access key

ShelfieKey Routes

Route Type Takes Response
api/v1/keys/amazons3 GET None AmazonS3 credentials

ShelfieNotification.Notification Fields

Field Type Description (* indicates required)
random_notification_id string *(PK)
actor FK(ShelfieUser.User *User performing action that triggers notification
recipient FK(ShelfieUser.User) *User who receives the notification
post FK(ShelfiePost.Post) Post that the notification is related to
category string *Choices: ('like', 'follow', 'prize')
message string Message of the notification
active boolean *Tells whether or not the notification is active (hasn't been viewed)
timestamp date/time Time of creation

ShelfieNotification Routes

Route Type Takes Response
api/v1/notifications GET filters { random_user_id, random_post_id } list of notifications
api/v1/notifications/<random_notification_id> GET None notification

ShelfieNotification Signals

Name Type Takes Response
create_like_notification ADD { 'actor', 'recipient', 'post', 'category', 'message' } notification
delete_like_notification DELETE { 'actor', 'recipient', 'post', 'category' } -
create_follow_notification ADD { 'actor', 'recipient', 'category', 'message' } notification
delete_follow_notification DELETE { 'actor', 'recipient', 'category' } -

ShelfiePost.Post Fields

Field Type Description (* indicates required)
random_post_id string *(PK)
user FK(ShelfieUser.User) *User post belongs to
game FK(ShelfieGame.Game) *Game the post was created for
challenge FK(ShelfieChallenge.Challenge) *Challenge the post was completing
is_video boolean *Specifies whether or not the post was an image or video
media_url string *Path to image/video
caption string Caption of post
timestamp date/time (auto) Date when post was created
likes ManyToMany(ShelfieUser.User) List of user objects that liked post

ShelfiePost.Report Fields

Field Type Description (* indicates required)
random_report_id string *(PK)
post FK(ShelfiePost.Post) *Post being reported
user FK(ShelfieUser.User) *User reporting the post
message string Reason for reporting post
timestamp date/time (auto) Time when report was filed

ShelfiePost Routes

Route Type Takes Response
api/v1/posts GET None list of posts
api/v1/posts/create POST required: { 'user', 'game', 'challenge', 'is_video', 'media_url' } optional: { 'caption' } None
api/v1/posts/<random_post_id> GET None post
api/v1/posts/<random_post_id> PUT 'caption' new post
api/v1/posts/<random_post_id> DELETE None deletes post
api/v1/posts/<random_post_id>/like/add POST 'random_user_id' adds user to Post.likes
api/v1/posts/<random_post_id>/like/delete POST 'random_user_id' removes user from Post.likes
api/v1/posts/<random_post_id>/report POST { 'random_user_id', 'message' } report

ShelfiePrize.Prize Fields

Field Type Description (* indicates required)
random_prize_id string *(PK)
name string *Name of prize
description string *Description of prize
winner FK(ShelfieUser.User) User that won the prize
background_photo image Background image found at S3 prizes/*

ShelfiePrize Routes

Route Type Takes Response
api/v1/prizes GET None list of prizes
api/v1/prizes/<random_prize_id> GET None prize

ShelfieTeam.Team Fields

Field Type Description (* indicates required)
random_team_id string *(PK)
name string *Name of team
location string Location of team
logo_url image path to team's logo image
point_of_contact string (Will be updated to a Foreign Key)

ShelfieTeam Routes

Route Type Takes Response
api/v1/teams GET None list of teams
api/v1/teams/<random_team_id> GET None team

ShelfieUser.User Fields

Field Type Description (* indicates required)
random_user_id string *(PK)
username string *Username of user
email string *Email address of user
first_name string *First name of user
middle_name string Middle name of user
last_name string *Last name of user
phone_number string Phone number of user
is_active boolean *Specifies whether or not the user is active
is_staff boolean *Specifies whether or not the user has staff permissions
date_joined date/time (auto) Date of user creation
gender string Choices: (male, female)
profile_picture string Url of profile picture in Amazon S3
following ManyToMany(ShelfieUser.User) List of users that user is following
followers ManyToMany(ShelfieUser.User) List of users that user is followed by
reset_password_token string Token used to authenticate when resetting password

ShelfieUser Routes

Route Type Takes Response
api/v1/create-user POST required: { 'username', 'email', 'first_name', 'last_name', 'password', 'confirm_password', 'is_staff', 'is_superuser' } optional: { 'phone_number', 'middle_name', 'gender' }
api/v1/users GET None list of users
api/v1/users/<random_user_id> GET None user
api/v1/users/<random_user_id> PUT { 'profile_picture' } None
api/v1/users/follow/add POST { 'random_user_id', 'followed_user_id' } user following and followers
api/v1/users/follow/delete POST { 'random_user_id', 'followed_user_id' } user following and followers
api/v1/users/logged-in-user GET None user
api/v1/user/forgot-password POST username or email ('user') Response
api/v1/user/reset-password POST username, reset_password_token, password updates password
api/v1/user/update-password POST username, current_password, new_password updates password