
Config files for my GitHub profile.

Passionate MERN, MEVN Stack Developer

Hi, I am Kyle Yeo 👋

Passionate, Collaborative and Highly Skilled Full Stack Web Developer with 8 years of professional experience in dynamic and deadline-driven work environments. I am always trying harder to find new and more effective ways to solve problems.

I love working through all the stages of development and I place a lot of importance on DRY(Don't Repeat Yourself), well-documented, and easy to-maintain and scalable code. Communication with the client is a crucial part of web development and I make it a priority to be responsive as well as report regularly on the development process.

❤ My Highlight Skills

✔ Languages

JavaScript, TypeScript, PHP, Python, C++, GraphQL

✔ Frontend Development

React.js, Redux, Next.js Vue.js, Vuex, Vue-Router, Nuxt, React-Query, jQuery, Ant-Design, Material-UI, Bootstrap, Responsive Web Development, Progressive Web Application, Tailwind CSS

✔ Backend Development

Node.js, Python, Django, GraphQL(Apollo), Laravel

✔ Databases

MongoDB, MySQL, PostgreSQL, Firebase

✔ AWS Cognito, S3 Bucket, Lamda, SSM, ECS, EC2

✔ Jira Pipelines, Bitbucket, GitHub

✔ Google Maps API

🏆 GitHub Trophies
