

This tool forwards http requests to downstreams ,which is mainly designed to record the difference of the resutls between two comparing products. Also you can classify those differences by offerring tags and keywords.


To be done


1 install python dependency package

pip install -i retrying

pip install -i pymysql

pip install -i flask

2 get an existing mysql or setup one yourself

3 run prepare.sql with mysql client

Table inconsistent_record:record difference or runtime error of the two comparing products and tag the difference

Table response_time:if no inconsistentence, record the response time of the two comparing products for performance statistics later

Table error_category:difference or error feature,use keywords and tag to describe this

4 config

core/connection/ config mysql connection info in param

core/common/ config DEST_URLS for your own path. also you can set request_builder,response_parser and comparer class with your own logic here

5 run

python3 pull up http forwarder service and tag the difference or error according to table error_category

python3 or python3 tag the history unrecognized error record in table inconsistent_record according to table error_category. If you add some new error category in table error_category,you can run this command to tag the history record in table inconsistent_record.

6 check the unrecognized error in mysql table

select * from inconsistent_record where tag='unrecognized'