
This project is a result of a Flutter Coding challenge by @brocodev1 who is an amazing flutter dev from LATAM The amazing YouTube tutorial by @diegoveloper can be accessed here: https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=bEHPCwjLdno&ab_channel=diegoveloper I would like to take this moment to give a huge shout out the dev community. A lot of great content is shared on so many platforms for free! I real enjoy consuming such content ❤

Primary LanguageDart


A new Flutter project.

This project is a result of a Flutter Coding challenge by @brocodev1 who is an amazing flutter dev from LATAM The amazing YouTube tutorial by @diegoveloper can be accessed here: https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=bEHPCwjLdno&ab_channel=diegoveloper

I would like to take this moment to give a huge shout out the dev community.
A lot of great content is shared on so many platforms for free! And I real enjoy consuming such content ❤

Medium article
Un Desafío De Flutter #1: https://kymoraa.medium.com/un-desaf%C3%ADo-de-flutter-1-9e6f71d67a06

Demo Video: https://www.youtube.com/embed/L-EBknaGv9o