
Docker container for starbound

Primary LanguageShellMIT LicenseMIT

starbound-docker : A docker container for starbound, without steamcmd included.

This docker container container requires you to init your steamcmd before you make the container.

Why ?

For only one reason: to reuse cached credential through multiple docker container, and to be able to update it, change it, without changing your container.

So, what to do first

Disclaimer: everything here is written for debian, if you want to use something else, please refer to this page

Assuming you are logged as root (if not, you may need to adjust some path), run these commands to install steamcmd (you may change the /opt/steamcmd of course) :

mkdir -p /opt/steamcmd
dpkg --add-architecture i386
aptitude update
aptitude install -y lib32gcc1

wget https://steamcdn-a.akamaihd.net/client/installer/steamcmd_linux.tar.gz -O /tmp/steamcmd.tar.gz
mkdir -p /opt/steamcmd
tar -C /opt/steamcmd/ -xzvf /tmp/steamcmd.tar.gz

Now, as you installed it, run it, login, and exit:


The script will show a prompt Steam> then write :

login <username>

Enter your password, your steamguard code, and then exit by typing "exit".

To check if it correctly set your steam credential cache, open steamcmd again:


Steam> login <username>

This should log you in without asking any password. If it's the case, then one last step: you will need to copy your cached data into the steamcmd directory, to have it the same place you installed steamcmd (for easier use in docker)

To do this:

cp -fR /root/Steam /opt/steamcmd

Now you are done.

Use the container

This container requires you to map volume in order to use steamcmd. Available volumes in the image :

  • /opt/steamcmd : will contains the steamcmd binaries and the cached data
  • /opt/starbound/storage : will contain the game universe and configs (if you want to customize it :))

Environment variables + default values

UID: 1000
GID: 1000