- Our neural network verification tool α,β-CROWN (alpha-beta-CROWN) won VNN-COMP 2021 with the highest total score, outperforming 11 SOTA verifiers. α,β-CROWN uses the
library as its core bound computation library. - Support for custom operators. (01/02/2022)
- Optimized CROWN/LiRPA bound (α-CROWN) for ReLU, sigmoid, tanh, and maxpool activation functions, which can significantly outperform regular CROWN bounds. See simple_verification.py for an example. (07/31/2021)
- Handle split constraints for ReLU neurons (β-CROWN) for complete verifiers. (07/31/2021)
- A memory efficient GPU implementation of backward (CROWN) bounds for convolutional layers. (10/31/2020)
- Certified defense models for downscaled ImageNet, TinyImageNet, CIFAR-10, LSTM/Transformer. (08/20/2020)
- Adding support to complex vision models including DenseNet, ResNeXt and WideResNet. (06/30/2020)
- Loss fusion, a technique that reduces training cost of tight LiRPA bounds (e.g. CROWN-IBP) to the same asympototic complexity of IBP, making LiRPA based certified defense scalable to large datasets (e.g., TinyImageNet, downscaled ImageNet). (06/30/2020)
- Multi-GPU support to scale LiRPA based training to large models and datasets. (06/30/2020)
- Initial release. (02/28/2020)
is a library for automatically deriving and computing bounds with
linear relaxation based perturbation analysis (LiRPA) (e.g.
DeepPoly) for
neural networks, which is an useful tool for formal robustness verification. We
generalize existing LiRPA algorithms for feed-forward neural networks to a
graph algorithm on general computational graphs, defined by PyTorch.
Additionally, our implementation is also automatically differentiable,
allowing optimizing network parameters to shape the bounds into certain
specifications (e.g., certified defense). You can find a video
Our library supports the following algorithms:
- Backward mode LiRPA bound propagation (CROWN/DeepPoly)
- Backward mode LiRPA bound propagation with optimized bounds (α-CROWN)
- Backward mode LiRPA bound propagation with split constraints (β-CROWN)
- Forward mode LiRPA bound propagation (Xu et al., 2020)
- Forward mode LiRPA bound propagation with optimized bounds (similar to α-CROWN)
- Interval bound propagation (IBP)
- Hybrid approaches, e.g., Forward+Backward, IBP+Backward (CROWN-IBP), α,β-CROWN (alpha-beta-CROWN)
Our library allows automatic bound derivation and computation for general
computational graphs, in a similar manner that gradients are obtained in modern
deep learning frameworks -- users only define the computation in a forward
pass, and auto_LiRPA
traverses through the computational graph and derives
bounds for any nodes on the graph. With auto_LiRPA
we free users from
deriving and implementing LiPRA for most common tasks, and they can simply
apply LiPRA as a tool for their own applications. This is especially useful
for users who are not experts of LiRPA and cannot derive these bounds manually
(LiRPA is significantly more complicated than backpropagation).
Deep learning frameworks such as PyTorch represent neural networks (NN) as a computational graph, where each mathematical operation is a node and edges define the flow of computation:
Normally, the inputs of a computation graph (which defines a NN) are data and model weights, and PyTorch goes through the graph and produces model prediction (a bunch of numbers):
Our auto_LiRPA
library conducts perturbation analysis on a computational
graph, where the input data and model weights are defined within some
user-defined ranges. We get guaranteed output ranges (bounds):
Python 3.7+ is required. Pytorch 1.8 (LTS) is recommended, although a newer
version might also work. It is highly recommended to have a pre-installed PyTorch
that matches your system and our version requirement. See PyTorch Get Started.
Then you can install auto_LiRPA
git clone https://github.com/KaidiXu/auto_LiRPA
cd auto_LiRPA
python setup.py install
If you intend to modify this library, use python setup.py develop
First define your computation as a nn.Module
and wrap it using
. Then, you can call the compute_bounds
to obtain certified lower and upper bounds under input perturbations:
from auto_LiRPA import BoundedModule, BoundedTensor, PerturbationLpNorm
# Define computation as a nn.Module.
class MyModel(nn.Module):
def forward(self, x):
# Define your computation here.
model = MyModel()
my_input = load_a_batch_of_data()
# Wrap the model with auto_LiRPA.
model = BoundedModule(model, my_input)
# Define perturbation. Here we add Linf perturbation to input data.
ptb = PerturbationLpNorm(norm=np.inf, eps=0.1)
# Make the input a BoundedTensor with the pre-defined perturbation.
my_input = BoundedTensor(my_input, ptb)
# Regular forward propagation using BoundedTensor works as usual.
prediction = model(my_input)
# Compute LiRPA bounds using the backward mode bound propagation (CROWN).
lb, ub = model.compute_bounds(x=(my_input,), method="backward")
Checkout examples/vision/simple_verification.py for a complete but very basic example.
We also provide a Google Colab Demo including an example of computing verification bounds for a 18-layer ResNet model on CIFAR-10 dataset. Once the ResNet model is defined as usual in Pytorch, obtaining provable output bounds is as easy as obtaining gradients through autodiff. Bounds are efficiently computed on GPUs.
We provide a wide range of examples of using auto_LiRPA
- Basic Bound Computation and Robustness Verification of Neural Networks
- Basic Certified Adversarial Defense Training
- Large-scale Certified Defense Training on ImageNet
- Certified Adversarial Defense Training on Sequence Data with LSTM
- Certifiably Robust Language Classifier using Transformers
- Certified Robustness against Model Weight Perturbations
For more documentations, please refer to:
- Documentation homepage
- API documentation
- Adding custom operators
- Guide for reproducing our NeurIPS 2020 paper
Please kindly cite our papers if you use the auto_LiRPA
library. Full BibTeX entries can be found here.
The general LiRPA based bound propagation algorithm was originally proposed in our paper:
- Automatic Perturbation Analysis for Scalable Certified Robustness and Beyond.
NeurIPS 2020
Kaidi Xu*, Zhouxing Shi*, Huan Zhang*, Yihan Wang, Kai-Wei Chang, Minlie Huang, Bhavya Kailkhura, Xue Lin, Cho-Jui Hsieh (* Equal contribution)
The auto_LiRPA
library is further extended to allow optimized bound (α-CROWN) and split constraints (β-CROWN):
Fast and Complete: Enabling Complete Neural Network Verification with Rapid and Massively Parallel Incomplete Verifiers.
ICLR 2021
Kaidi Xu*, Huan Zhang*, Shiqi Wang, Yihan Wang, Suman Jana, Xue Lin and Cho-Jui Hsieh (* Equal contribution) -
Beta-CROWN: Efficient Bound Propagation with Per-neuron Split Constraints for Complete and Incomplete Neural Network Verification.
NeurIPS 2021
Shiqi Wang*, Huan Zhang*, Kaidi Xu*, Suman Jana, Xue Lin, Cho-Jui Hsieh and Zico Kolter (* Equal contribution)
Kaidi Xu | Zhouxing Shi | Huan Zhang | Yihan Wang | Shiqi Wang |
- Kaidi Xu (xu.kaid@northeastern.edu): main developer
- Zhouxing Shi (zshi@cs.ucla.edu): main developer
- Huan Zhang (huan@huan-zhang.com): team lead
- Yihan Wang (yihanwang@ucla.edu)
- Shiqi Wang (sw3215@columbia.edu): contact for beta-CROWN
We thank commits and pull requests from community contributors.
Our library is released under the BSD 3-Clause license.