
Single request application

Main task

Develop android application using kotlin. App must consist of two screens: a loading screen and a webview screen. For screens you need to use fragments, not activity. When launching the application, display the loading screen and make a get request to the server:


Аfter receiving a response you need to stop the download and open the screen with webview. In webview need to fire "link" link if it's the first one app launch or open "home" link if webview with "link" already launched before.

After completing the task, you need to build debug.apk and release.apk or release.aab for android. Note: the server sends json like this: { "link":"https://www.google.com.ua/", "home":"https://www.youtube.com/" }

Extra tasks

  • Add ability to go back in webview when clicked buttons back.
  • Save the parameters sent by the server and use them when subsequent launches.
  • Run the application in full-screen mode, hiding the system ui.
  • Set any application icon.


First launch
Second launch