How to use game?

Moving barbarian king -

  • w-a-s-d for up - left - down - right respectively.

Attack of barbarian king on any object -

  • Space for attack.

Spawning barbarians -

  • z - c - v spawns barbarians from 1st, 2nd, 3rd locations respectively.

Rage -

  • r for rage

Healing -

  • h for healing. Has bug in original code. Leads to crashing. A good way to stop a game without closing terminal.

Narikey -

  • x for this move.
  • All buildings close to barbarian king suffer damage.

idArray in -

  • 0 - nothing
  • 1 - King?
  • 2 - Hut
  • 3 - Cannon
  • 4 - Townhall?
  • 7 - Walls
  • 9 - barbarians