3D Real Scene Style Transfer of Neural Radiance Fields with Hash Encoding and HyperNet

Fast Multi-Style Transfer of Neural Radiance Fields for 3D Real-Scene. (Reviewing Paper...)

Abstract (will change)

We present Fast Multi-Style Transfer of Neural Radiance Fields, a novel approach for stylizing arbitrary views of a 3D scene. Previous stylization methods using neuronal radiation fields can effectively predict the colors of a 3D stylized scene by combining the features of the style image with the multi-view image to transform the style features. However, these methods cannot simultaneously satisfy the important factors of stylization: zero-shot, consistency, training speed, and computational cost. Our approach method proposes a 3D real-scene stylization method that satisfies all these important factors. We first utilize hash-encoding and spherical harmonics-encoding to effectively train geometric information about the multi-view of a 3D scene. Then, we use hypernetwork to optimize the geometric features from the encoding with the feature vector of the style. Our method extends 2D style features to 3D scenes based on precise geometric information, enabling zero-shot learning while maintaining consistency. Moreover, our method takes about 3 hours to generate a stylized novel view on a modern GPU. Experimental results demonstrate that our method is superior and more effective than existing methods.


1) Download LLFF dataset.
You can download NeRF_llff_Dataset this link.

├── nerf_llff_data                    
│   ├── fern
|   ├── flower
│   ├── horns            
│   └── ...

2) Download Wikiart dataset.
You can download WikiArt this link.
Also, you can find the WikiArt files other Stylization-NeRF-Project.

├── train                    
│   ├── [style_name1].jpg
|   ├── [style_name2].jpg
│   ├── [style_name3].jpg            
│   └── ...
├── test
│   ├── [test_name1].jpg
|   ├── [test_name2].jpg
│   ├── [test_name3].jpg            
│   └── ...

Training(Pytorch; Horn training.)

Download VAE pre-weights. Our pretrained weight(soon...)

You can train VAE model here.
Download files, and input ./pretrained folder.

├── nerf_llff_data                    
│   ├── fc_encoder.pth
|   └── vgg_normalised.pth  

Geometric training

python run_nerf2.py --config configs/horn.txt --finest_res 1024 --log2_hashmap_size 24 --lrate 0.01 --stage first

Stylization training

python run_nerf2.py --config configs/horn.txt --finest_res 1024 --log2_hashmap_size 24 --lrate2 0.001 --stage second --no_batching


You must change the Stylization(Second) training folder name like 'second_0'. And, implement below code.

python run_nerf2.py --config configs/fern.txt --finest_res 512 --log2_hashmap_size 24 --lrate2 0.001 --stage second --no_batching --render_only
# If you want render test images,
# python run_nerf2.py --config configs/fern.txt --finest_res 512 --log2_hashmap_size 24 --lrate2 0.001 --stage second --no_batching --render_only --render_test


1) LPIPS Score

  • Short consistency score (5 frames)
Method Fern Flower Horns Orchids Trex Leaves
MCCNet 0.1950 0.1541 0.1903 0.2220 0.1246 0.1306
ReReVST 0.2178 0.2093 0.2295 0.2770 0.1976 0.1776
AdaIN 0.1498 0.1815 0.2443 0.2682 0.1899 0.1349
ARF 0.1600 0.1454 0.1786 0.2301 0.1041 0.1154
UPST 0.1246 0.1222 0.1306 0.2226 0.0951 0.0931
StyleRF 0.1733 0.1493 0.1957 0.2358 0.1225 0.1370
Ours 0.1291 0.1217 0.1454 0.2101 0.0879 0.0879
  • Long consistency score (10 frames)
Method Fern Flower Horns Orchids Trex Leaves
MCCNet 0.4741 0.3693 0.4216 0.4468 0.3276 0.3655
ReReVST 0.4096 0.3550 0.4563 0.4577 0.3341 0.3361
AdaIN 0.4106 0.3998 0.4610 0.4965 0.3575 0.3634
ARF 0.4451 0.3937 0.4497 0.4731 0.3039 0.3259
UPST 0.3969 0.3362 0.3771 0.4379 0.3054 0.3081
StyleRF 0.4250 0.3543 0.4432 0.4557 0.3397 0.3794
Ours 0.4065 0.3167 0.3979 0.4108 0.2895 0.2911

2) User Study

Previous_model vs Ours Stylization(win rate%) Consistency(win rate%)
AdaIN vs Ours 65.7% 82.5%
MCCNet vs Ours 52.8% 71.2%
ARF vs Ours 55.8% 76.3%
UPST vs Ours 61.5% 65.0%
StyleRF vs Ours 64.7% 83.5%

We collect 1200 votes for each comparison with previeous model.
(100 participants, 6 scenes, and 2 criteria; 3 months of online and offline voting.)

3) Style results

  • Photorealistic results image

  • Horn samples image

  • Fern & Flower samples image

  • Ablation study: hash table size T image

The higher hash table size T, the more style quality.


  • Share Code
  • Share results
  • Share perforamce table
  • Share user study


(Soon update)

