Matlab and Python codes for analyzing the EEG dataset for RSVP and P300 speller
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EEG Dataset for RSVP and P300 Speller Brain-Computer Interfaces
This includes Matlab and Python code to extract features from RSVP and P300 speller EEG, and evaluate letter detection accuracy in P300 speller with the open EEG dataset.
Cite as: Won, K., Kwon, M., Ahn, M. et al. EEG Dataset for RSVP and P300 Speller Brain-Computer Interfaces. Sci Data 9, 388 (2022).
1. Dataset
This code aims to analyze EEG data collected during RSVP and P300 speller sessions. For more information, please refer to the data note.
2. Preprocessing and Feature extraction
From RSVP and P300 speller EEG, users are able to extract event-related potentials (ERPs) during target events, while non-target events show non-notable changes.
For preprocessing, we used only the minimum required processing. Hence, users can use their preprocessing methods.
3. External dependency
For Matlab code, users can extract features and evaluate P300 speller performance, but users can draw more intuitive plots, such as multi-channel EEG plots and scalp topography with EEGLAB toolbox (
For Python code, users need to install the follwing moduels: matplotlib, scipy, h5py, mat73, sklearn, statsmodels
>> pip install [module name]
We note that our results in the data note were produced with Matlab. One can use Python script to extract features and evaluate P300 speller performance, but the results may be different. Temporal scalp topography is only shown in Matlab with the EEGLAB toolbox.
4. Get started
First, download EEG and create a directory named "data" in ./Matlab or ./Python. Otherwise, you can specify your file path in the scripts.
To get details of this dataset, please use the paper mentioned above. You can download this dataset in figshare, an open-access repository here: If you cannot find it
Second, add paths for ./functions for ./Matlab or ./Python
1) RSVP Run each block (separated by '%%') in the script using the keyboard shortcut (ctrl + Enter for Windows, cmd + Enter for Mac)
- RSVP_visualization_ERP.m # to extract RSVP ERP
2) P300 speller Run each block in the script using the keyboard shortcut (ctrl + Enter for Windows, cmd + Enter for Mac)
- P300speller_visualization_ERP.m # to extract P300 speller ERP
- P300speller_predict_letter.m # to evaluate P300 speller performance
Python (topography not supported)
One can use Google Colab or Jupyter notebook (*.ipynb).
- Load_Won2021dataset.ipynb
- # to extract RSVP ERP
2) P300 speller
- # to extract P300 speller ERP
- # to evaluate P300 speller performance