
A project for the module CS4249

Primary LanguageJavaScript

CS4249 Eatigo Website Redesign

This is a redeisgn of the Eatigo website application made for the NUS module CS4249


GitHub URL: https://github.com/Kyzure/cs4249-eatigo-website-redesign

GitHub Pages URL: https://kyzure.github.io/cs4249-eatigo-website-redesign/#/home?breadcrumbs=true&filters=true&resetsize=large&searchbar=true

For different arrangement of the website, please edit the query string to be either true or false (E.g. breadcrumbs=false), or resetsize to be large, medium or small.

Directories and Files

src (Root folder)

The folder that is used to keep all the other folders and certain files.

App.js - Root file that contains the themes and routes to the relevant pages


The folder that is used to keep all the necessary images that is use to replicate or redesign the Eatigo website


The folder that is used to keep various re-usable (but might not be re-used) components that are in a page.

There are various files here, so here are some examples: BreadCrumbs.js - Contains the breadcrumb feature that might be used in some arrangement Header.js - Contains the header feature used in every page SearchBar.js - Contains the searchbar feature that might be used in some arrangement.


The folder the contains the various pages.

There are 3 main pages that are used to make the website (Don't count About.js) Home.js - The main home page of the redesigned website for the user to search Result.js - The result page after the user searches for a particular product Food.js - The page that contains the food after the user selects the product


The folder containg the SASS or CSS files that styles the elements

How to Install :

  1. Go to main branch
  2. Download nvm + npm + node (or whatever that is needed)
  3. Clone repository git clone https://github.com/Kyzure/cs4249-eatigo-website-redesign.git
  4. Open command prompt and go to directory you cloen repository
  5. Create new branch (Unless u wanna push to main lmao) git checkout -b your-branch-name
  6. Run the command: npm install (idk if this works)

How to Edit:

  1. Run the command: npm start (to start locally at localhost 3000)
  2. "Edit the code and see changes"
  3. Push to your branch and do merge request (or push to main if u got balls): git push your-branch-name
  4. Change branch to main: git checkout main
  5. Run the command: npm run deploy(Pushes the changes to deployment, or the github pages)
  6. Change back to your branch: git checkout your-branch-name