
This repository contains Almost all famous CNN models for image Classification

Primary LanguagePython

CNN Model Training and Testing Framework for Image Classification

This repository offers a complete framework for training, testing, and benchmarking Convolutional Neural Network (CNN) models for image classification. It supports multiple state-of-the-art pre-trained CNN architectures and provides tools for data augmentation, class balancing, and advanced performance evaluation metrics like accuracy, F1-score, precision, and recall. Ideal for researchers and developers looking to quickly test and benchmark CNN models.

Key Features

  • Support for Multiple CNN Architectures: Train and test with popular pre-trained models like ConvNeXtXLarge, DenseNet201, EfficientNetB7, InceptionResNetV2, and many more for image classification tasks.
  • Automatic Class Balancing: Automatically generates class weights to manage imbalanced datasets and enhance CNN model accuracy.
  • Advanced Data Augmentation: Apply augmentation techniques like rotation, shear, zoom, and horizontal flips to improve model generalization during image classification.
  • Integrated Callbacks for Efficient Training: Supports early stopping, model checkpoints, and learning rate reduction to optimize deep learning model training.
  • Threshold Adjustment: Fine-tune prediction thresholds to improve classification performance in deep learning models.
  • Training History Visualization: Automatically save training history plots for accuracy and loss metrics, enabling easy performance monitoring.

Supported Architectures

This framework supports multiple state-of-the-art CNN architectures, allowing users to train and test models on various pre-trained architectures known for image classification performance. The following architectures are supported:

  • ConvNeXtXLarge
  • DenseNet201
  • EfficientNetB7
  • EfficientNetV2L
  • InceptionResNetV2
  • MobileNetV3Large
  • NASNetLarge
  • RegNetX320
  • ResNetRS420
  • VGG19
  • Xception


To use this deep learning framework, ensure that you have the following dependencies installed:

  • Python 3.x: Required for executing the framework's scripts and libraries.
  • TensorFlow >= 2.x: The main deep learning library used for training CNN models.
  • NumPy: For efficient numerical computation and data handling.
  • Matplotlib: Used to visualize the training history (accuracy and loss) during model training.
  • scikit-learn: Provides tools for model evaluation, including metrics like accuracy, F1-score, precision, and recall.
  • argparse: Enables easy command-line argument parsing for flexibility in running the scripts.
  • json: Required for handling configuration files and model parameters.

Setup and Installation

  1. Clone the repository:
    git clone https://github.com/L-A-Sandhu/<this-repo>.git

Install the required dependencies:

pip install -r requirements.txt

Ensure your dataset is structured as follows:

├── dataset_name/
    ├── train/
        ├── class_1/
        ├── class_2/
    ├── test/
        ├── class_1/
        ├── class_2/


Training the Model

To train the model, run the following command:

python script_name.py --mode train --dataset <dataset_name> --model <model_name> --threshold <threshold_value>

Command-Line Arguments:

  • --mode: Operation mode. Use train for training.
  • --dataset: Name of the dataset directory (inside the data/ folder).
  • --model: CNN architecture to use (e.g., EfficientNetB7, DenseNet201).
  • --threshold: Threshold value for classification.


python script_name.py --mode train --dataset cats_vs_dogs --model EfficientNetB7 --threshold 0.6

Test the Model

To test the model on a test dataset, use:

python script_name.py --mode test --dataset <dataset_name> --model <model_name>


python script_name.py --mode test --dataset cats_vs_dogs --model EfficientNetB7

Evaluation and Results

  • Accuracy and Loss Plots: The training process automatically generates plots for accuracy and loss, which are saved in the directory: ./checkpoint/<dataset>/<model>/history_plot.png. These plots provide a visual representation of the model's training performance.

  • Comprehensive Evaluation Metrics: After testing, detailed evaluation metrics are saved in Results.txt and Results.json. These include:

    • Accuracy: Measures the overall percentage of correct predictions.
    • F1-score: Balances precision and recall, especially useful for imbalanced datasets.
    • Precision: The proportion of positive identifications that are actually correct.
    • Recall: The proportion of actual positives that are identified correctly.
    • Confusion Matrix: Provides a detailed breakdown of model predictions across all classes.

These metrics help you thoroughly evaluate your CNN model’s performance on the test dataset.

Callbacks and Hyperparameter Tuning

This framework includes integrated callbacks for better control of the training process and hyperparameter tuning to optimize CNN model performance:

  • ModelCheckpoint: Automatically saves the best model during training based on validation accuracy, ensuring that the most effective version of the model is retained for testing.

  • EarlyStopping: Stops training when the validation accuracy does not improve for 5 consecutive epochs, preventing overfitting and saving computational resources by halting unnecessary training.

  • ReduceLROnPlateau: Automatically reduces the learning rate when validation loss stagnates, helping the model to converge more effectively during the later stages of training.

These callbacks provide essential tools for CNN model optimization, helping to achieve better results with fewer resources.


This framework is highly flexible and allows you to easily customize or add new CNN models for your specific tasks. Simply modify the train_model() and test_model() functions to integrate additional architectures from TensorFlow’s Keras applications or custom-built models.

  • How to Add New Models: To include a new pre-trained model, import it from keras.applications and specify the desired input shapes and parameters. You can also fine-tune existing models by adding your own layers on top of the pre-trained base models.

  • Customization of Training and Testing Scripts: You can modify the training or testing scripts to experiment with different hyperparameters, loss functions, and optimization techniques.

This flexibility allows you to tailor the framework for custom CNN models, making it ideal for research or specialized deep learning tasks.

Clear Model from Memory

When working with large-scale CNN models and high-dimensional datasets, memory management becomes crucial. To avoid memory overflow and ensure smooth execution, this framework provides a clear_model() function, which safely clears the model from memory after training or testing.

  • When to Use It: Call this function after each training or testing session, especially when using large models like ConvNeXtXLarge or ResNetRS420, to free up GPU and RAM resources.

  • Why It’s Important: Proper memory management helps prevent crashes, reduces hardware strain, and allows you to experiment with different models without restarting your session.

This feature is essential for handling large deep learning models and maintaining efficient workflows.

Frequently Asked Questions (FAQ)

Q1: What CNN architectures are supported by this framework? A: This framework supports a wide range of pre-trained CNN architectures including ConvNeXtXLarge, EfficientNetB7, DenseNet201, InceptionResNetV2, and more. You can find the full list in the Supported Architectures section above.

Q2: Can I use this framework for image classification on custom datasets? A: Yes! The framework is designed for flexibility and can be used with any custom dataset for image classification. Simply structure your dataset as outlined in the Setup and Installation section, and the framework will handle the rest.

Q3: How does this framework handle imbalanced datasets? A: The framework automatically generates class weights to address class imbalance during training, ensuring that minority classes are properly accounted for during CNN model training.

Q4: What evaluation metrics are included in the framework? A: After testing the model, the framework provides detailed evaluation metrics including accuracy, F1-score, precision, recall, and a confusion matrix. These metrics help assess the performance of your model on the test dataset.

Q5: Can I add new CNN models to the framework? A: Absolutely! The framework is fully customizable. You can modify the train_model() and test_model() functions to add new CNN architectures or fine-tune pre-existing models using TensorFlow’s Keras applications.

Q6: How can I visualize the model’s training history? A: The framework automatically saves training history plots for accuracy and loss in the ./checkpoint/<dataset>/<model>/history_plot.png directory, making it easy to track and visualize model performance over time.


This CNN model training and testing framework is designed to simplify the process of building, training, and evaluating CNN models for image classification tasks. With support for state-of-the-art architectures, advanced features like class balancing and data augmentation, and detailed performance metrics, this framework is ideal for both research and production-level projects.

Feel free to fork the repository, experiment with different CNN models, and contribute to the project. We welcome suggestions, improvements, and new features!

Don’t forget to ⭐ the repository if you find it useful.