

This repo converts the a time series data into images using the Gramian Angular Field.To clone the repository using the following commands

git clone
cd image2picture


This repo requires the following libraries for the conversion

  • Pyts
  • Sklearn
  • Pandas
  • Argparse
  • Cv2

To install all dependencies make an environment using the following commands

conda create -n < env_name>  python=3.7
conda activate <env-name>
pip install -r requirements.txt

Time Series to Image Conversion

Run the following command to convert time series data in to images.

cd im2pic
python --csv_path < complete path for the csv file > --col_num < Coulm number of label intrested in such as wind is in coulm 0> --sample_len < Length of  samples you want to transform into image for 1000 sample image will be 1000x2000> --label_len < The length of label image> --out_path < The path for saving labels and images >