
building nvcr.io_nvidi_l4t_ml_r32.6.1-p3 to run triton server on jetson


building nvcr.io_nvidi_l4t_ml_r32.6.1-p3 to run triton server on jetson build the docker file using sudo docker build ./ -t < Docker name>: use the following command to run docker sudo docker run --gpus all -it --shm-size=2g --rm -v /home/:/home p3:v0.2 once build use the following command to copy the python folder from backends inside docker to the triton server backend folder cp /backends/python -r /tritonserver2.16.0-jetpack4.6/backends/ use the following command to run triton server /home/nano/Downloads/tritonserver2.16.0-jetpack4.6/bin/tritonserver --backend-directory=s/tritonserver2.16.0-jetpack4.6/backends/ --model-repository=

for instaling albumination without instlling scikit and open cv headless use the command pip3 install --no-deps scikit-image albumentations