Welcome to PolyCrystal.Finance 💎

This repo is dedicated to the smart contracts used to manage the farming functionality on PolyCrystal! Read on below to get all the deets 😄


MasterHealer 🙏

MasterHealer is a fork of the GooseDeFi MasterChefV2 contract (which was originally derived from Pancake's MasterChef). We did this so we could include the following updates:

  • Removal of the Migrator function, for user safety.
  • Removal of the SYRUP token, as there were known vulnerabilities with this.
  • Addition of deposit fees, so we can fund projects for you lovely crystal fanatics ❤️

CrystalToken 🔮

CRYSTL is the token which powers our yield farm. This is a pretty standard ERC20 token forked from ApeSwap's BANANA token contract.

CrystalMine ⛏

CrystalMine is a contract that allows us to provide our users an auto-compunding vault, where they can turn their CRYSTAL into even more CRYSTL without the need to manually compound!

Timelock 🔒

Timelock is a contract used to provide enhanced security to PolyCrystal.Finance's smart contract, by creating a buffer in which farm-modifying functions can be executed.

Multicall 📞

Boilerplate multicall contract used to optimize data fetches from the frontend.

Mainnet Contracts ✅

Here are the mainnet Polygon contracts used to power PolyCrystal.Finance 💎