
Calendar - Epicodus project in Ruby

Primary LanguageRuby


Purpose: Completed as part of Epicodus.

  • Let users create, edit, and delete events with a description, location, and a start and end date and time.
  • Let users list out the events in the order in which they will occur. By default, only list events in the future.
  • Let users create a view that lets users choose to only view events on the current day, week, or month. In the day/week/month view, let users choose to view the previous or following day/week/month, so that they can "scroll" through their events.
  • Let users make generic to-do items that don't have a date or time.
  • Let users add notes to events and to-dos. When you have an object that can belong to more than one class, it's called polymorphic. Read the Rails Guide section on polymorphism to learn how to implement it. This may be a bit tricky at first.