
A simple app to list and create campgrounds. The app includes a simple Node server, an Ember based web component, and React-Native mobile component.


  1. Clone Repository

To Start the Server:

  1. cd api
  2. yarn yarn start
  3. The server should run on port 3000. If it is not please momentarily update process.env.PORT to 3000.

To Start the Ember Application:

  1. cd desktop
  2. yarn
  3. ember server
  4. visit http://localhost:4200/

To Start the Mobile Application:

  1. cd mobile_campground
  2. yarn yarn start
  3. Open the application in a simultor with access to localhost. I used expo XDE. Make sure you are pointed at localhost. There is a catch to load hardcoaded data if the local connection fails but the application will error when a new campground is added.