
[⚠️ DEPRECATED] An standalone tool to automatic generate Call Graph in iOS project

Primary LanguageC++MIT LicenseMIT

This project was deprecated, please go to Drafter


clang-mapper is a standalone tool build for automatic generate Call Graph in iOS project


Compile the source code

You can just use the pre-compiled binary file in the relaese folder (Build with Clang5.0.0). Or you can compile the source code in clang-mapper folder by yourself

Follow the guide in Tutorial for building tools using LibTooling and LibASTMatchers.

  1. Download the LLVM and Clang source code, then copy the folder clang-mapper to llvm/tools/clang/tools/.
  2. Edit the file llvm/tools/clang/tools/CMakeLists.txt and add add_clang_subdirectory(clang-mapper) to the end.
  3. Then build it with cmake and you will get a binary file clang-mapper in the bin folder, now copy it to /usr/local/bin/

How to use

Before you use clang-mapper, make sure you have installed Graphviz.

Generate Call Graph

clang-mapper accept an arbitrary number of file or folder arguments, then it wil automatically deal with all code files and generate Call Graph in current path.

For example, i make a folder CallGraph in the same path as AFNetworking

$ mkdir CallGraph

Then run command in CallGraph folder

$ cd CallGraph
$ clang-mapper ../AFNetworking --

The clang-mapper will traverse the ../AFNetworking folder and generate all Call Graph in CallGraph folder All Call Graph AFHTTPSessionManager Call Graph

Optional Command line Option

  • -graph-only : Only generate .png files, this is a default option
  • -dot-only : Only generate .dot files
  • -dot-graph : Generate both .png and .dot files
  • -ignore-header : Ignore .h file in the given folder