GNU General Public License v2.0GPL-2.0


A very advanced simulation of the Airbus A320 Family for FlightGear by Immersive Design Group.

  • FDM: Joshua Davidson (Octal450)
  • Systems: Joshua Davidson (Octal450), Jonanthan Redpath (legoboyvdlp)
  • Cockpit: Thorsten Herrmann (TH-555), Joshua Davidson (Octal450), Jonanthan Redpath (legoboyvdlp)
  • Instruments: Joshua Davidson (Octal450), Jonanthan Redpath (legoboyvdlp)

Present pack includes the following Airbus A320 Family variants:

  • A320-111
  • A320-214
  • A320-232
  • A320-251N
  • A320-271N

Frequently Asked Questions

For answers on frequently asked questions, refer to our FAQ page.

Unapproved Distributors

If you get this aircraft from anywhere but Octal450's repo you are not getting the aircraft from IDG, but from a 3rd party distributor. This is strongly discouraged and you will not receive any support from IDG!