
Primary LanguageJava

Proj2 Gitlet


	*	.gitlet
	*		/--objects
	*		/	/--commits and blobs
	*		/--refs
	*		/	/--heads


Failure cases

  • No input args, print Please enter a command. and exit(System.exit(0))
  • Command not exist, print No command with that name exists. and exit
  • Command with wrong number or format of operands, Incorrect operands.
  • Command requires a initialized working directory but it's not, Not in an initialized Gitlet directory


  • Staging an already staged file, overwrite
  • Not exist, File does not exist. exit
  • One file at a time


  • No file on stage, No changes to the commit.
  • Blank commit message, Please enter a commit message.
  • Clone the previous commit


  • name confliction, A branch with that name already exists.CA


  • Currently active pointer. We can switch the currently active head pointer with checkout [branch name]

So I will just. store branch information in HEAD file


  • When merging,the first parent is the branch you were on when you did the merge


  • Modified but not staged
    • In current commit, changed but not staged(delete or modified)
    • staged for addition but with different contents now
    • staged for addition but deleted
  • Untracked files


  • java gitlet.Main checkout --[file name]
    • replace the file in cwd with the head commit version
    • file does not exist, No commit with that id exists
  • checkout [commit id] --[file name]
    • replace the file in cwd with the given commit version
    • no commit with that given id exists, No commit with that id exists
  • checkout [branch name]
    • put all files in the commit of the head of branch in the pwd
    • move HEAD
    • delete files that are tracked in the current branch but not present in the updated branch
    • clear stage?
    • No branch with that name,No such branch exists.
    • No need to checkout the current branch
    • 文件名仅被Commit3B追踪的文件,而不被Commit3A追踪,那么直接将这些文件写入到工作目录。这里有个例外,即对于第三种情况,将要直接写入的时候如果有同名文件(例如1.txt)已经在工作目录中了,说明工作目录中在执行checkout前增加了新的1.txt文件而没有commit,这时候gitlet不知道是应该保存用户新添加进来的1.txt还是把Commit3B中的1.txt拿过来overwrite掉,为了避免出现信息丢失,gitlet就会报错,输出There is an untracked file in the way; delete it, or add and commit it first.


  • checks out given commit
  • move the current's branch head to that commit node