
Weakly Supervised Class-Agnostic Motion Prediction for Autonomous Driving (CVPR2023)

Primary LanguagePythonOtherNOASSERTION


This is the PyTorch code for Weakly Supervised Class-Agnostic Motion Prediction for Autonomous Driving (CVPR2023). The code is created by Ruibo Li (ruibo001@e.ntu.edu.sg).


  • Python 3.7
  • PyTorch (torch == 1.9.0)

Create a conda environment for WeanMotionNet:

conda create -n WeakMotion python=3.7
conda activate WeakMotion
conda install pytorch==1.9.0 torchvision==0.10.0 cudatoolkit=10.2 -c pytorch
pip install numpy tqdm scikit-learn opencv-python matplotlib pyquaternion

Data preprocess


  1. Prepare the input data and the motion ground truth:
  2. Prepare the Foreground/Background data for weak supervision:
    • Download the nuScenes-lidarseg data, and then run
      python gen_data/gen_weak_data.py --root /path_to/nuScenes/nuScenes-data/ --split train --savepath /path_to/nuScenes/weak-data/
      The Foreground/Background information for training point clouds will be saved in /path_to/nuScenes/weak-data/. Please references gen_data/README.md for more details.


  1. Prepare the Waymo data:

    • Download the Waymo Open Dataset (v1.3.2).
    • install required library in the conda environment:
      pip install waymo-open-dataset-tf-2-6-0
    • run the below command to convert the .tfrecord files to .npy files:
      python gen_data/step1_waymo_prepare.py --waymo_tfrecord_dir /path_to/Waymo/Waymo-tf-data/ --split training --waymo_save_dir /path_to/Waymo/Waymo-npy-data/
      The .npy data will be saved in /path_to/Waymo/Waymo-npy-data/. After processing the training set, set --split to validation to prepare the validation data.
  2. Prepare the input data, motion ground truth, and Foreground/Background data:

    • Run the command:
      python gen_data/step2_waymo_generate_weak.py --DATA_DIR /path_to/Waymo/Waymo-npy-data/ --SAVE_ROOT_DIR /path_to/Waymo/
      The input data and ground truth will be saved in /path_to/Waymo/input-data/, and the Foreground/Background data will be saved in /path_to/Waymo/weak-data/.

Please references README.md in gen_data for more details.


Trained models

The trained models can be downloaded from the following links.

  1. nuScenes

    Annotation ratio Trained PreSegNet (Stage1) Trained WeakMotionNet (Stage2)
    0.1% FG/BG masks nuscenes_seg_0-001 nuscenes_motion_0-001
    1.0% FG/BG masks nuscenes_seg_0-01 nuscenes_motion_0-01
    100% FG/BG masks - nuscenes_motion_1-0
  2. Waymo

    Annotation ratio Trained PreSegNet (Stage1) Trained WeakMotionNet (Stage2)
    0.1% FG/BG masks waymo_seg_0-001 waymo_motion_0-001
    1.0% FG/BG masks waymo_seg_0-01 waymo_motion_0-01
    100% FG/BG masks - waymo_motion_1-0


  • Taking the WeakMotionNet trained on nuScenes data as an example, download the pretrained WeakMotionNet,nuscenes_motion_1-0, from the above link, and save it in pretrained folder.

  • Run the command:

    python evaluate_WeakMotionNet.py --evaldata /path_to/nuScenes/input-data/test/ --pretrained pretrained/nuscenes_motion_1-0.pth --datatype nuScenes

    set evaldata to the directory of the test data (e.g., /path_to/nuScenes/input-data/test/).

    set pretrained to the trained model (e.g., pretrained/nuscenes_motion_1-0.pth).

    set datatype to nuScenes .

  • When testing the WeakMotionNet trained on Waymo, run the command:

    python evaluate_WeakMotionNet.py --evaldata /path_to/Waymo/input-data/val/ --pretrained pretrained/waymo_motion_1-0.pth --datatype Waymo

    set evaldata to /path_to/Waymo/input-data/val/.

    set pretrained to the trained model (e.g., pretrained/waymo_motion_1-0.pth).

    set datatype to Waymo.


In the following, we take the training on nuScenes data as an example.

Training with partially annotated Foreground/Background masks

  1. Training of PreSegNet (Stage1):

    • Run the command:

      python train_PreSegNet.py --data /path_to/nuScenes/weak-data/train/ --evaldata /path_to/nuScenes/input-data/val/ --datatype nuScenes --annotation_ratio 0.01

      set data to the directory of the weak training data (e.g., /path_to/nuScenes/weak-data/train/).

      set evaldata to the directory of the input validation data (e.g., /path_to/nuScenes/input-data/val/).

      set datatype to nuScenes or Waymo.

      set annotation_ratio to the wanted FG/BG annotation ratio (e.g., 0.01). Ratio can range from 0.001 to 1.

  2. Generate FG/BG masks for the training data using the trained PreSegNet

    • Choose a PreSegNet model with higher Foreground Accuracy and Overall Accuracy to generate FG/BG masks.

    • generate FG/BG masks for the training data:

      python predict_FGBG_mask.py --data /path_to/nuScenes/weak-data/train/ --save_FB /path_to/nuScenes/FGBG-data/ --datatype nuScenes --pretrained pretrained/nuscenes_seg_0-01.pth

      set data to the directory of the weak training data (e.g., /path_to/nuScenes/weak-data/train/).

      set save_FB to the directory to save the predicted FB/BG masks (e.g., /path_to/nuScenes/FGBG-data/).

      set datatype to nuScenes or Waymo.

      set pretrained to the trained PreSegNet model from Satge1(e.g., pretrained/nuscenes_seg_0-01.pth). In addition to training PreSegNet models yourself, we also provide a PreSegNet model trained with 0.01 annotations on nuScenes, nuscenes_seg-0-01. Other pretrained PreSegNet models can be found in above.

      Accordingly, the FG/BG masks predicted by nuscenes_seg_0-01 will be saved in /path_to/nuScenes/FGBG-data/nuscenes_seg_0-01.

  3. Training of WeakMotionNet (Stage2)

    • Run the command:

      python train_WeakMotionNet.py --motiondata /path_to/nuScenes/input-data/train/ --weakdata /path_to/nuScenes/weak-data/train/ --FBdata /path_to/nuScenes/FGBG-data/nuscenes_seg_0-01/ --evaldata /path_to/nuScenes/input-data/val/ --datatype nuScenes --annotation_ratio 0.01

      set motiondata to the directory of the input training data (e.g., /path_to/nuScenes/input-data/train/).

      set weakdata to the directory of the weak training data (e.g., /path_to/nuScenes/weak-data/train/).

      set FBdata to the directory to the predicted FB/BG masks from the last step (e.g., /path_to/nuScenes/FGBG-data/nuscenes_seg_0-01/).

      set evaldata to the directory of the input validation or test data (e.g., /path_to/nuScenes/input-data/val/).

      set datatype to nuScenes or Waymo.

      set annotation_ratio to the FG/BG annotation ratio (e.g., 0.01). Note that the annotation ratio should be the same in the two stages.

Training with fully annotated Foreground/Background masks

When training WeakMotionNet with fully annotated Foreground/Background masks, the Stage1 and the FB/BG prediction are not required.

  • Run the command:

    python train_WeakMotionNet.py --motiondata /path_to/nuScenes/input-data/train/ --weakdata /path_to/nuScenes/weak-data/train/ --evaldata /path_to/nuScenes/input-data/val/ --datatype nuScenes --annotation_ratio 1.0

    The settings are similar to those in Stage2.

    Note that the annotation_ratio should be 1.0 and we do not need to set FBdata.


If you find this code useful, please cite our paper:

  title={Weakly Supervised Class-Agnostic Motion Prediction for Autonomous Driving},
  author={Li, Ruibo and Shi, Hanyu and Fu, Ziang and Wang, Zhe and Lin, Guosheng},
  booktitle={Proceedings of the IEEE/CVF Conference on Computer Vision and Pattern Recognition},


Our project references the codes in the following repos.