While I still think the ideas behind this framework has merit (especially modularity), I have decided to put it on hold for the time being. Feel free to make pull requests or fork it, I would love to see it flourish. For now I am focusing on trying out the Melon.js framework, and I think you should too!
Peach is a game engine framework. If Pixi.js is your render engine, and Matter.js is your physics engine, then Peach is the frame of the car that holds them together.
You only have to write your game once, then by using plugins you can swap out your engines instantly without having to rewrite anything or reconnect them manually. Personally I also find the Peach API simpler than Pixi.js for example, so you can use Pixi for performance reasons without having to write for it's API.
This framework is still in hot development. Notably physics has not been implemented yet. The following features either have been or are on the wish list to be implemented:
- Pixi.js Rendering Support
- Physics Support
- Tiled Map Editor (woo!)
- Solid.js Isomorphic Rendering
- Controller API integration
- 3D support (currently this framework is oriented around 2D support)
Please don't be afraid to make a pull request or star the project. It's difficult for me to develop this framework by myself, so any help is appreciated.