

Primary LanguageLua


  • Re-Writed Profiles:
  1. Priest
  2. Feral
  • CopyPasted Profiles:
  1. Restoration
  2. Balance


  • Some macro for Feral:

      PVP Kick: /fd toggle interrupts 
      PVE Kick: /fd toggle KickALL
      Cooldowns: /fd toggle cooldowns
      Dispel adds: /fd toggle dispel
      PvP no Roots.: /fd toggle FormIt
      BattleRess (by Focus!): /fd toggle Battleress
      Tank if tank dies: /fd toggle beartest
      Announce: /fd toggle Information
  • Some macro for Priest:

      PVP Kick: /fd toggle interrupts 
      PVE Kick: /fd toggle KickALL
      Cooldowns: /fd toggle cooldowns
      Text GUI: /fd toggle GUI
      Party Dispel: /fd toggle frienddispel
      Dispel adds: /fd toggle dispel
      Opener: /fd toggle Opener
  • Some macro for OutLaw:

Api stuff Down Below




    if player.buff("Ice BLock").down and player.health.percent <= 10 then
    return cast("Ice Block", "player")
  • exists()

      Check if a buff exists.
  • down()

      Return true if a buff is down.
  • up()

      Returns true if a buff is up.
  • any()

      Return true if any buff is up.
  • count

      Returns the amount of buffs that are active.
  • remains

      Returns the remaning duration of the buff (in seconds).
  • duration

      Returns the duration of the buff.
  • stealable

      Returns true if the buff can be spellstealed.


  • Cast(spell, unit)

              spell ID or name.
              Unit (player, target, focus, party1, ..)
              Cast(SB.ChaosBolt, "focus");
              Cast(SB.Conflagurate, "party1");


  • exists()

      Check if a debuff exists.
  • down()

      Return true if a debuff is down.
  • up()

      Returns true if a debuff is up.
  • any()

      Return true if any debuff is up.
  • count

      Returns the amount of debuffs that are active.
  • remains

      Returns the remaning duration of the debuff (in seconds).
  • duration

      Returns the duration of the debuff.


  • count(func)

      Returns the amount of nearby enemys.
  • match(func)

  • around(distance)

      Returns the amount of nearby enemys in a given distance.



  • count(func)
  • match(func)
  • buffable(spell)
  • removable(...)
  • dispellable(spell)
  • under(...)


  • percent

      Returns the unit health in percentage. (0.00 ~ 100).
  • actual

      Returns the actual unit health.
  • effective

  • incoming

      Returns the incomming (unfinished healing amount) health of the unit.
  • missing

      Returns the missing health of the unit.


    player.acutal;      -- obtains actual player HP
    target.incoming;    -- obtains health from target player


'^player', '^pet', '^vehicle', '^target', '^focus', '^mouseover', '^none', '^npc', '^party[1-4]', '^raid[1-4]?[0-9]', '^boss[1-5]', '^arena[1-5]'


  • shift
  • control
  • alt
  • lshift
  • lcontrol
  • lalt
  • rshift
  • rcontrol
  • ralt


  • base
  • mana
  • rage
  • focus
  • energy
  • combopoints
  • runes
  • runicpower
  • soulshards
  • lunarpower
  • astral
  • holypower
  • maelstrom
  • chi
  • insanity
  • arcanecharges
  • fury
  • pain


  • actual
  • max
  • deficit
  • deficitpercent
  • percent
  • regen
  • predict
  • predictpercent
  • regenpercent
  • tomax


  • count


  • cooldown
  • exists
  • castingtime
  • charges
  • fractionalCharges
  • recharge
  • lastcast
  • castable
  • current


  • buff
  • debuff
  • health
  • spell
  • power
  • enemies
  • elive
  • level
  • dead
  • enemy
  • friend
  • name
  • exists
  • guid
  • distance
  • channeling(spell)
  • castingpercent
  • moving
  • has_stealable (spellsteal)
  • combat
  • interrupt(%, spell)
  • unit_in_range(spell)
  • totem(name)
  • talent(a, b)
  • castable
  • removable
  • dispellable




  • commands /fd hide /fd show /fd move /fd size button_size /fd resize button_size

  • button_toggle -- master_toggle -- cooldowns -- interrupts -- multitarget


  • red
  • dark_red
  • pink
  • dark_pink
  • purple
  • dark_purple
  • indigo
  • dark_indigo
  • blue
  • dark_blue
  • cyan
  • dark_cyan
  • teal
  • dark_teal
  • green
  • dark_green
  • lime
  • dark_lime
  • yellow
  • dark_yellow
  • amber
  • dark_amber
  • orange
  • dark_orange
  • brown
  • dark_brown
  • grey
  • dark_grey
  • warrior_brown


  • icons (make list & tooltip name?) { key = "dropdowntest", type = "dropdown", desc = "", default = "dropdown_test", {key = "dropdown_test", text = "Test1"}, {key = "dropdown_test2", text = "Test2"}, {key = "dropdown_test3", text = "Test3"} },






data.data - null

data.removables - spell ID's that need to be removed in PvE?


Noname stuff

  • can an ability be made to execute if the target is a boss? (https://wow.gamepedia.com/UnitId)

     local ValidClassification = {
     ['worldboss'] = true,
     ['rareelite'] = true,
     ['elite'] = true,
     ['rare'] = true,
     ['normal'] = false,
     ['trivial'] = false,
     ['minus'] = false
     local function ValidCDTarget(unit)
     if type(unit) == 'table' then unit = unit.unitID end
      return ValidClassification[UnitClassification(unit)] and UnitLevel(unit) > UnitLevel('player')
  • is there a way for DR to know if a cooldown is about to become avaible to use?

      if -spell("SPELL NAME") > 0 and -spell("Spell Name") < 3 then
      print ("Spell name SPELL NAME is about to be off CD!"
  • Take target?

      local function taketarget()
      if target.exists and target.alive then return false end
      local validenemies = enemies.count(function (unit)
        return unit.exists and unit.distance <= 30 and unit.combat and UnitExists(unit.unitID .. 'target')
      if validenemies > 0 then
        return true
      return true
      local function combat()
      if not player.alive or player.buff('Food').exists or player.buff('Drink').exists or player.buff('Bandage').exists or player.channeling() or
      UnitIsAFK('player') or target.debuff('Polymorph').any then return end
      if toggle('autotarget') and taketarget() then return end
      auto_attack() --checks if auto-attacking anyway
      --other code
  • Check Time_To_Die (if more than 15s cast stuff)

      if castable(SB.Apocalypse) and -spell(SB.Apocalypse) == 0 and target.debuff(SB.FesteringWound).count >= 4  and not modifier.shift and Target.Time_To_Die > 15 then
        return cast(SB.Apocalypse, 'target')
  • Targets in range check

      local enemyCount = enemies.around(8)
      if enemyCount == 0 then enemyCount = 1 end 
  • applyDotAoe

      local function applyDotAoe()
        if not castable('Shadow Word: Pain') then return false end
      local dotcount = 3
      local countpain = enemies.count(function (unit) return unit.exists and unit.combat and unit.debuff("Shadow Word: Pain").up end)
      local validenemies = enemies.count(function (unit) return unit.exists and unit.combat and unit.in_range end)
      if validenemies < dotcount then
      dotcount = validenemies
      local initialTarget = nil
      if target.exists then initialTarget = target.guid end
      local flag = false
      if countpain < dotcount then
      local newTarget = enemies.match(function(unit) return unit.exists and unit.combat and unit.in_range and unit.debuff("Shadow Word: Pain").down end)
      if not newTarget then return false end
      while not UnitIsUnit('target', newTarget.unitID) do
      cast('Shadow Word: Pain')
      flag = true
      while initialTarget and target.guid ~= initialTarget do
      return flag
      setfenv(applyDotAoe, dark_addon.environment.env)
      local function combat()
      -- other code
      if applyDotAoe() then return end
      -- other code

Or just:

	local userakeaoe = dark_addon.settings.fetch('KiraFeral_settings_Rake_AOE', true)
	  if userakeaoe and target.alive and target.enemy and player.alive and target.distance < 8 then
			   local userake = true 
			   local index = 0
			   local NotMain = true
			   local MainTarget = UnitGUID("target")
				  local RakeDur
				  for i = 1, 40 do
					 name, a, b, c, d, dur = UnitDebuff("target", i, "PLAYER")
					 if (name == "Rake") then
						RakeDur = dur   
				  if userake and (RakeDur == nil or RakeDur-5 < GetTime()) and target.alive then
				  if(MainTarget == UnitGUID("target") or index == 30) then
					 NotMain = false
				  index = index + 1

In settings tab add: { key = 'Rake_AOE', type = 'checkbox', text = 'Rake AOE', desc = 'Use Rake to AOE' },

  • Idk kick?

      if toggle('interrupts', false) and arena1.interrupt(intpercent, false) and arenahackson == true and arena1.distance <= 40 and -spell(SB.Counterspell) == 0 then
       print 'Arena one counterspell'
        return cast(SB.Counterspell, "arena1")
      if toggle('interrupts', false) and arena2.interrupt(intpercent, false) and arenahackson == true and arena2.distance <= 40 and -spell(SB.Counterspell) == 0 then
       print 'Arena two counterspell'
        return cast(SB.Counterspell, "arena2")
  • Another Kick

    if KickArenaOne0 == true then
          if target.castable(SB.Blind) then
           for i = 1, 40 do
          local name, _, _, _, endTime, _, _, _, spell_id  = UnitCastingInfo("target", i)
             if name and p[spell_id] then
              print("Kicked " .. name .. " Bye!")
              return cast(SB.Blind, target)
  • Delay?

The condition won't return true unless 1.4 seconds have passed

local delay = 0
local function blabla()
if delay < GetTime() then
 delay = GetTime() + 1.4

Code snippets

  • Code snippets Introduction to Dark Rotations lua syntax by Rex 23rd Feb 2019.

  • Basic debugging guidance

We strongly recommend you install the addons "BugGrabber" and "BugSack" as these capture lua errors neatly Always check to see if the spell you are trying to cast is actually in the spellbook and that it is spelt correctly Dark Rotations IS CASE SENSITIVE For example "CobraShot" is not the same as "Cobrashot"

  • Casting a basic spell

This code checks to see if you can cast the spell on your target and that the spell is not on cooldown

if castable(SB.spell) and -spell(SB.spell) == 0 then
	return cast(SB.spell, 'target')
  • Example

Cast Flame Shock when not on cooldown

if castable(SB.FlameShock) and -spell(SB.FlameShock) == 0 then
	return cast(SB.FlameShock, 'target')

Checking something is greater than or less than

--is x bigger than y:
if x > y then

--is x less than y:
if x < y then

--is x greater than or equal to y:
if x >= y then

--is x less than or equal to y:
if x <= y then

Use of "or" and "not" Sometimes you need to check a condition in two different ways:

if player.buff(SB.spell1).up or player.buff(SB.Spell2).up then
	return cast(SB.spell, 'target')

--Sometimes you need to check if something doesn't exist first before casting
if not x.exists then
	return cast(SB.spell)
  • Managing Buffs and Debuffs

    Please be careful with these as errors here don't always create lua errors but your rotation just "doesn't work"

  • Buff on player

This code checks to see if the player has a certain buff before casting a spell

if player.buff(SB.spell).up then
	return cast(SB.spell, 'target')

This code checks to see if the player is missing a buff before casting a spell

if player.buff(SB.spell).down then
	return cast(SB.spell, 'target')

This code checks to see if the player's buff has "x" seconds before it expires

if player.buff(SB.spell).remains <= x then
	return cast(SB.spell, 'target')

This code checks to see if the player's buff has "x" number of stacks casting

if player.buff(SB.spell).count >= x then
	return cast(SB.spell, 'target')

This code checks to see if a player's buff is ABOUT TO REACH "x" number of charges (ie it is a fraction of where it needs to be)

if player.buff(SB.spell).fractionalcharges >= x then
	return cast(SB.spell, 'target')
  • Debuff on target

This code checks to see if the target has a certain debuff before casting a spell

if target.debuff(SB.spell).up then
	return cast(SB.spell, 'target')

This code checks to see if the target is missing a debuff before casting a spell

if player.buff(SB.spell).down then
	return cast(SB.spell, 'target')

This code checks to see if the target's debuff has "x" seconds before it expires

if player.buff(SB.spell).remains <= x then
	return cast(SB.spell, 'target')

This code checks to see if the target's debuff has "x" number of stacks casting

if player.buff(SB.spell).count >= x then
	return cast(SB.spell, 'target')
  • Examples

Cast Moonfire to keep the debuff on the target

if target.debuff(SB.Moonfire).down then
	return cast(SB.Moonfire, 'target')

Use Thrash if your target does not have 3 stacks of the bleed yet

if target.debuff(SB.Thrash).count < 3 then
	return cast(SB.Thrash, 'target')

Apply Flame Shock if it will expire in 6 seconds or less

if target.debuff(SB.FlameShock).remains <= 6 then
	return cast(SB.FlameShock, 'target')

Cast Scourge Strike while standing in Death and Decay

if castable(SB.ScourgeStrike) and -spell(SB.ScourgeStrike) == 0 and player.buff(SB.DeathandDecay).up then
	return cast(SB.ScourgeStrike, 'target')

Cast Crash Lightning if the buff has less than 2 seconds remaining (or is inactive).

if (player.buff(SB.CrashLightning).down or player.buff(SB.CrashLightning).remains <= 2) then
	return cast(SB.CrashLightning, 'target')

Cast Rockbiter if below about to reach 2 charges.

if castable(SB.Rockbiter) and spell(SB.Rockbiter).fractionalcharges >= 1.7 then
	return cast(SB.Rockbiter, 'target')
  • Resource Management (including health)

    Power "types" - the following is a non-exhaustive list (ie I may have missed some): arcanecharges, astral, chi, combopoints, energy, focus, fury, health, holypower, insanity, lunarpower, maelstrom, mana, pain, rage, runes, runicpower, soulshards There are lots of ways of managing your "power" (eg checking how much you have) but these are the two most common:

  • Actual

This code checks the "type" (eg mana, energy etc) is greater than or equal to "x" before casting

if player.power.type.actual >= x then
	return cast(SB.spell, 'target')
  • Percent

This code checks the "type" (eg mana, energy etc) is greater than or equal to "x as a percentage" before casting

if player.power.type.percent >= x then
	return cast(SB.spell, 'target')
  • Count Deathknight Specific - this code checks a Deathknights runes count is greater than or equal to "x" before casting

      if player.power.runes.count >= x then
      	return cast(SB.spell, 'target')
  • Examples

    Cast Earth Shock if you have 90 or more Maelstrom

      if castable(SB.EarthShock) and player.power.maelstrom.actual >= 90 then
      return cast(SB.EarthShock, 'target')

    Cast Soul Reaper if you have fewer than 2 Runes

      if castable(SB.SoulReaper) and player.power.runes.count < 2 then
        return cast(SB.SoulReaper, 'target')

    Cast Healing Surge if player health is less than 30%

      if castable(SB.HealingSurge) and player.health.percent <= 30 then
      	return cast(SB.HealingSurge, 'player')
  • Miscellaneous Checks

    Distance to target This code checks if the target is within "x" yards of the player:

      if castable(SB.spell) and target.distance <= x then
      	return cast(SB.spell, 'target')
  • Example

Use Swipe if target is within melee range

if castable(SB.Swipe) and target.distance <= 5 then
	return cast(SB.Swipe, 'target')
  • Talent Checks

Talents are read using the x,y co-ordinates of the talent "grid" eg

--1,1   1,2   1,3
--2,1   2,2   2,3
--3,1   3,2   3,3
--4,1   4,2   4,3
--5,1   5,2   5,3
--6,1   6,2   6,3
--7,1   7,2   7,3

if talent(1,1) then
	return cast(SB.spell)
  • Example

Use Pulverize if talented

if castable(SB.Pulverize) and talent(7,3) then
	return cast(SB.Pulverize, 'target')
  • Pet Management (including Hunter, Mage, Shaman, Warlock)

    The principals outlined above can be used for your summoned pets, as these examples show:

Summoning pet Pet Summon This code checks to see if you have a pet already summoned before trying to summon a new one

if castable(SB.CallPet1) and not pet.exists then
	return cast(SB.CallPet1)

Pet Healing This code uses similar syntax to player healing to heal your pet

if castable(SB.MendPet) and pet.health.percent <= 70  then
	return cast(SB.MendPet, 'pet')

Pet Attacks Once your pet is summoned you can get them to attack using their spells too! Your pet spells must be in the spellbook along with your own Unholy Deathknight make your Ghoul Claw Attack

if pet.exists and castable(SB.Claw) and -spell(SB.Claw) == 0 then
	return cast(SB.Claw, 'target')

Beastmastery Hunter make your Cat Growl to taunt

if pet.exists and castable(SB.Growl) and -spell(SB.Growl) == 0 then
	return cast(SB.Growl, 'target')
  • Complex Examples

    Now we can add multiple checks to form complex code for spells:

Use Pulverize (if talented) and its not on cooldown, at 3 stacks of Thrash and within melee range

if castable(SB.Pulverize) and talent(7,3) and -spell(SB.Pulverize) == 0 and target.debuff(SB.Thrash).count == 3  and target.distance <= 5 then
	return cast(SB.Pulverize, 'target')

Cast Death Coil if its not on cooldown to avoid capping Runic Power (80+ Runic Power) OR if you have a proc of Sudden Doom

if castable(SB.DeathCoil) and -spell(SB.DeathCoil) == 0 and (player.power.runicpower.actual >= 80 or player.buff(SB.SuddenDoom).up) then
	return cast(SB.DeathCoil, 'target')

Apply Flame Shock if its not on cooldown and it is either absent OR it will expire in 6 seconds or less

if castable(SB.FlameShock) and -spell(SB.FlameShock) == 0 and (target.debuff(SB.FlameShock).down or target.debuff(SB.FlameShock).remains <= 6) then
	return cast(SB.FlameShock, 'target')

Cast Earth Shock if its not on cooldown and Maelstrom is 60 or greater and Lava Surge buff is not on player

if castable(SB.EarthShock) and -spell(SB.EarthShock) == 0 and player.power.maelstrom.actual >= 60 and player.buff(SB.LavaSurge).down then
	return cast(SB.EarthShock, 'target')

Cast Lightning Bolt if not on cooldown and with Overcharge talent and if above 40 Maelstrom (or 50 with Fury of Air)

if castable(SB.LightningBolt) and -spell(SB.LightningBolt) == 0 and talent(4,3) and (player.power.maelstrom.actual > 40 or (player.power.maelstrom.actual > 50 and talent(6,2))) then
	return cast(SB.LightningBolt, 'target')
  • Cooldowns

    Sometimes you want to keep your "big" spells until the boss fights - there is a "cooldown" toggle on the Dark Addon interface for this reason Spells with the "cooldown" check will not cast unless you have it toggled on Maybe counter-intuitive but the code used is "false" for toggled on and "true" for toggled off, as in the following examples:

Enhancement Shaman - cast Ascendance (with Ascendance talent) to boost DPS

if toggle('cooldowns', false) and castable(SB.Ascendance) and -spell(SB.Ascendance) == 0 and talent(7,3) then
	return cast(SB.Ascendance, 'target')

Deathknight - cast Army of the Dead to boost DPS

if toggle('cooldowns', false) and castable(SB.ArmyOfTheDead) and -spell(SB.ArmyOfTheDead) == 0 then
	return cast(SB.ArmyOfTheDead, 'target')
  • Interrupts

    If you are a class that has interrupts then you can use the "interrupts" toggle on the Dark Addon interface Spells with the "interrupt" check will not cast unless you have it toggled on As with Cooldowns, interrupt code is "false" for toggled on and "true" for toggled off, as in the following examples: "x" represents the percentage at which the target's spell will be interrupted

Mage - cast Counterspell to interrupt - "x" represents percentage

if toggle('interrupts', false) and castable(SB.Counterspell) and target.interrupt(x, false) then
	return cast(SB.Counterspell, 'target')

Shaman - cast Wind Shear to interrupt - in this example we have chosen to use 70% as the interrupt percentage

if toggle('interrupts', false) and castable(SB.WindShear) and target.interrupt(70, false) and target.distance < 30 then
	return cast(SB.WindShear, 'target')
  • Modifiers

    There will be times when you want to "manually" cast a spell (eg mobility spells) and don't want them automatically cast by the rotation code The three basic modifiers are ALT, CTRL and SHIFT, and can be used as in the following examples:

Shaman - cast Feral Lunge to leap to your target by holding down SHIFT:

if modifier.shift and castable(SB.FeralLunge) and talent(5,2) and target.distance < 25 then
	return cast(SB.FeralLunge, 'target')

Warrior - cast Heroic Leap by holding down CTRL - note the full spelling of CONTROL though:

if modifier.control and castable(SB.HeroicLeap) then
	return cast(SB.HeroicLeap, 'ground')
  • Counting Enemies

You can create a variable that is assigned the value of the number of mobs/targets around you - this allows you to differentiate between Single-Target and Multi-Target code NOTE - you must have "Enemy Nameplates" enabled in-game - this is toggled on and off with the "v" key There are two methods to count targets, dependent on if you are melee or ranged, as follows:

Melee The first line of code creates a variable "enemymeleeCount" and counts up the number of targets in 8 yards of the player The second line of code displays the number of targets and the distance to them on the Dark Addon interface bar:

	local enemymeleeCount = enemies.around(8)
	dark_addon.interface.status_extra('T#:' .. enemymeleeCount .. ' D:' .. target.distance)

Ranged The first three lines of code creates a variable "enemyrangedCount" and counts up the number of targets around your target at range The fourth line of code displays this in the Dark Addon interface bar as per the previous example:

	local enemyrangedCount = enemies.count(function (unit)
		return unit.alive and unit.combat and unit.distance == target.distance 
	dark_addon.interface.status_extra('T#:' .. enemyrangedCount .. ' D:' .. target.distance)
  • Usage

Once you have your targets counted, you can then either insert the check into single spells, or segment your code to manage multiple spells:

Single spell melee example Feral Druid - Cast Swipe when multiple targets are nearby

if enemymeleeCount >= 2 and castable(SB.Swipe) and -spell(SB.Swipe) == 0 then
	return cast(SB.Swipe, 'target')

Single spell ranged example Elemental Shaman - Cast Chain Lightning when multiple targets are at range

if enemyrangedCount >= 3 and castable(SB.ChainLightning) and -spell(SB.ChainLightning) == 0 then
	return cast(SB.ChainLightning, 'target')
  • Segment your code example

Fury Warrior - cast Whirlwind to apply the buff, and then Bladestorm

if enemymeleeCount >= 2 then
	if castable(SB.Whirlwind) and -spell(SB.Whirlwind) == 0 and player.buff(SB.Whirlwind).down then
		return cast(SB.Whirlwind, 'target')

	if castable(SB.Bladestorm) and -spell(SB.Bladestorm) == 0 then
    	return cast(SB.Bladestorm, 'target')

Basic template

  • This is a basic template to get you started.

    Replace "class" with the actual name of the class you are coding for: eg deathknight, demonhunter, druid, hunter, mage, monk, paladin, priest, rogue, shaman, warlock, warrior.

      local addon, dark_addon = ...
      local SB = dark_addon.rotation.spellbooks.class
      local function combat()
      if player.alive and target.alive and target.enemy and not player.channeling() then
      Auto Attack to initiate combat
      Replace "x" with the range you would like to attack from: eg 8 if you are melee or 40 if you are ranged.
       if target.enemy and target.alive and target.distance < x then
      Insert "in-combat" rotation code here
      This section of the code will only work when you are in combat/have aggro.
      local function resting()
      Insert "out-of-combat" code here
      This section of code will only work when you are out of combat, and could be used for: eg spells to pull from range, healing, summoning pets, stealthing.
      Replace "class" with the actual name of the class you are coding for: eg deathknight, demonhunter, druid, hunter, mage, monk, paladin, priest, rogue, shaman, warlock, warrior.
      Replace "spec" with the name of the spec you are coding for: eg frost, havoc, feral, holy, elemental, windwalker etc.
      Replace "xxxxxx" with a short but obvious name forr your routine as you will have to type this in to load it into the addon
      Replace "xxxxxx" with something longer and more descriptive, and maybe add your name!
        spec = dark_addon.rotation.classes.class.spec,
       name = 'xxxxxx',
        label = 'xxxxxx',
        combat = combat,
       resting = resting,