
Collection of custom navigation meshes

Custom map configuration files for ZMR.

This includes:

  • Navigation meshes
  • Map configs

Only servers are required to have these.

Simply place the custom folder inside the game directory.

Structure should then look like this:

  • zombie_master_reborn/custom/configs
  • zombie_master_reborn/custom/navs

A restart is required for the game to recognize the new search paths.

Easy updating

  • Download Git
  • Clone the repository with: git clone -c core.symlinks=true https://github.com/zm-reborn/zmr-map-configs/ <somefolder>
  • Create symlinks for the custom folder (ie. <somefolder>/custom/configs <---> <gamefolder>/custom/configs)
  • Whenever there is an update, run git pull in the repository folder to download the changes.