
A Minecraft plugin to verify accounts via Discord, written in Kotlin

Primary LanguageKotlin

[//]: # (# Minecraft Discord Verification Plugin)

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[//]: # (This is a Minecraft plugin written in Kotlin that provides a command to generate verification codes. The user has to run a command via Discord.)

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[//]: # (## Features)

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[//]: # (- Generates 6-digit verification codes.)

[//]: # (- Sends verification codes to Discord users via direct messages.)

[//]: # (- Codes expire after 5 minutes for security.)

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[//]: # (## Installation)

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[//]: # (1. Make sure you have a Minecraft server running with Spigot or Bukkit.)

[//]: # (2. Download the plugin JAR file from the releases section.)

[//]: # (3. Place the JAR file into the `plugins` directory of your Minecraft server.)

[//]: # (4. Start or restart the server.)

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[//]: # (## Usage)

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[//]: # (### Minecraft Commands)

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[//]: # (- `/verify`: Generates a verification code and sends it to the player's Discord DM.)

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[//]: # (### Discord Commands)

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[//]: # (- `!verify`: Generates a verification code and sends it to the user's DM.)

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[//]: # (## Dependencies)

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[//]: # (- [Discord4J](https://github.com/Discord4J/Discord4J): Library for creating Discord bots in Java and Kotlin.)

[//]: # (- Bukkit or Spigot API for Minecraft plugin development.)

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[//]: # (## Contributing)

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[//]: # (Pull requests are welcome. For major changes, please open an issue first to discuss what you would like to change.)