Small C++ wrapper for Parrot arsdk3. The library supports Bebop2 drone but some functionality may also work with Bebop1 and ARDrone 2.
Parrot sdk retransmits only few data, and at 5Hz. This program will retransmit full navigation data at 100Hz. See onboard/navdataserver.
The library requires C++11 and uses OpenCV3 , Eigen3 and some Boost components: system, filesystem, log, thread, chrono (required), iostreams, date_time, timer (for some demo files).
mkdir build && cd build
cmake -D CMAKE_BUILD_TYPE=Release ..
make -j4
make install
You can use the library directly by adding your source code into the existing CMake project, or in an other project. For the last case, an example is provided in usingInstall/.
Please consider Drone.h and Fullnavdata.h header files as documentation.