
Primary LanguageShellGNU General Public License v2.0GPL-2.0

kalua - build mesh-networks without pain

needing support? join the club or ask for consulting

Flattr this git repo donations in bitcoins are welcome and can be sent to 184Rzvif2EfpW1EycmL3SWt64n8L1vHQdJ

how to get a release for a specific hardware

# download and initial fetching of all sources
# (start in an empty directory)
wget https://raw.githubusercontent.com/bittorf/kalua/master/openwrt-build/build.sh
sh build.sh

# full build for specific target
build.sh --openwrt r40861 --hardware 'PC Engines ALIX.2' --usecase 'Standard'

# get detailed help with
build.sh --help

how to build this from scratch on a debian server

# work as root:
apt-get update
LIST="build-essential libncurses5-dev m4 flex git git-core zlib1g-dev unzip subversion gawk python libssl-dev quilt screen"
for PACKAGE in $LIST; do apt-get -y install $PACKAGE; done

# now login as non-root user
git clone git://nbd.name/openwrt.git
git clone git://nbd.name/packages.git
cd openwrt
git clone git://github.com/bittorf/kalua.git

# for working with a specific openwrt-revision, do this:
# REV=40860
# git checkout $(git log -1 --format=%h --grep=@$REV)

make menuconfig				# select your "Target System" / "Target Profile" and exit
make package/symlinks

# now configure your image and build:
make menuconfig

# flash your image via TFTP
while :; do atftp --trace --option "timeout 1" --option "mode octet" --put --local-file $FW $IP && break; sleep 1; done

# upload images to release-server:
for CMD in applymystuff make "upload sysupgrade factory release remove"; do kalua/openwrt-build/mybuild.sh $CMD || break; done

manually configure the builtin-packages

make kernel_menuconfig		# will safe in 'build_dir/linux-${platform}/linux-${kernelversion}/.config'

	General setup ---> [*] Support for paging of anonymous memory (swap)
	Device Drivers ---> Staging drivers ---> [*] Compressed RAM block device support

make menuconfig 		# will safe in '.config'

	Global build settings ---> [*] Compile the kernel with symbol table information

	Base system ---> busybox ---> Linux System Utilities ---> [*] mkswap
								  [*] swaponoff
	Base system ---> [ ] firewall

	Network ---> Firewall ---> [*] iptables ---> [*] iptables-mod-ipopt
						     [*] iptables-mod-nat-extra

	Network ---> Routing and Redirection ---> [*] ip
	Network ---> Routing and Redirection ---> [*] olsrd ---> [*] olsrd-mod-arprefresh
								 [*] olsrd-mod-jsoninfo
								 [*] olsrd-mod-nameservice
								 [*] olsrd-mod-txtinfo
								 [*] olsrd-mod-watchdog
	Network ---> Web Servers/Proxies ---> [*] uhttpd
					      [*] uhttpd-mod-tls
					      [*] Build with debug messages

	Network ---> [*] ethtool	# if needed, e.g. 'Dell Truemobile 2300'
	Network ---> [*] mii-tool	# if needed, e.g. 'Ubiquiti Bullet M5'
	Network ---> [*] netperf
	Network ---> [*] ulogd ---> [*] ulogd-mod-extra		# if data retention needed

	Utilities ---> [*] px5g
		       [*] rbcfg	# if needed, e.g. 'Linksys WRT54G/GS/GL'

how to development directly on a router

opkg update
opkg install git

echo  >/tmp/gitssh.sh '#!/bin/sh'
echo >>/tmp/gitssh.sh 'logger -s "$0: $*"'
echo >>/tmp/gitssh.sh 'ssh -i /etc/dropbear/dropbear_dss_host_key $*'

chmod +x /tmp/gitssh.sh
export GIT_SSH="/tmp/gitssh.sh"		# dropbear needs this for public key authentication

git config --global user.name >/dev/null || {
	git config --global user.name "Firstname Lastname"
	git config --global user.email "your_email@youremail.com"
	git config --edit --global

mkdir -p /tmp/dev; cd /tmp/dev
git clone <this_repo>
kalua/openwrt-build/mybuild.sh build_kalua_update_tarball
cd /; tar xvzf /tmp/tarball.tgz; rm /tmp/tarball.tgz

cd /tmp/dev/kalua
git add <changed_files>
git commit -m "decribe changes"
git push ...

piggyback kalua on a new router model without building from scratch

# for new devices, which are flashed with a plain openwrt
# from http://downloads.openwrt.org/snapshots/trunk/ do this:

# plugin ethernet on WAN, to get IP via DHCP, wait
# some seconds, connect via LAN with 'telnet' and
# look with which IP was given on WAN, then do:
ifconfig $(uci get network.wan.ifname) | fgrep "inet addr:"
/etc/init.d/firewall stop
/etc/init.d/firewall disable

# plugin ethernet on WAN and connect to the router
# via 'telnet <routers_wan_ip>', then do:
opkg update
opkg install ip bmon netperf
opkg install olsrd olsrd-mod-arprefresh olsrd-mod-watchdog olsrd-mod-txtinfo olsrd-mod-nameservice
opkg install uhttpd uhttpd-mod-tls px5g
opkg install kmod-ipt-compat-xtables iptables-mod-conntrack iptables-mod-conntrack-extra iptables-mod-extra
opkg install iptables-mod-filter iptables-mod-ipp2p iptables-mod-ipopt iptables-mod-nat iptables-mod-nat-extra
opkg install iptables-mod-ulog ulogd ulogd-mod-extra

# build full kalua-tarball on server
kalua/openwrt-build/mybuild.sh build_kalua_update_tarball full

# copy from server to your router
scp user@yourserver:/tmp/tarball.tgz /tmp/tarball.tgz
# OR take this prebuilt one:
wget -O /tmp/tarball.tgz
# decompress:
cd /; tar xvzf /tmp/tarball.tgz; rm /tmp/tarball.tgz

# execute config-writer

Cherry Picking Git commits from forked repositories

* git fetch <repository url>
* git cherry-pick -x <hash>
* resolve conflicts, if any
** git commit -ac <hash>
* git push

Special UCI-variables

system.@weblogin[0].enabled - bool system.@weblogin[0].dhcpautologout - bool system.@weblogin[0].namespace - string system.@weblogin[0].logtraffic - bool

system.@admin[0].location - string system.@admin[0].latlon - string system.@admin[0].mail - string system.@admin[0].name - string system.@admin[0].phone - string system.@admin[0].neturl - string

system.@vpn[0].hostname - hostname system.@vpn[0].ipaddr - IP

system.@system[0].noswinstall - bool

system.@profile[0].name - string system.@profile[0].nodenumber - integer system.@profile[0].ipsystem - string

system.@monitoring[0].url - url

system.@fwupdate[0].url - url system.@fwupdate[0].mode - string: 0|stable|beta|testing

system.@vds[0].server - scp-destination system.@vds[0].enabled - bool

system.@community[0].splash - bool

firewall.@adblock[0].enabled - bool network.$INTERFACE.dyndns - url

mail.@pop3[0].username - string mail.@pop3[0].password - string mail.@pop3[0].server - hostname mail.@pop3[0].port - integer mail.@smtp[0].server - hostname mail.@smtp[0].port - integer mail.@smtp[0].name - string: e.g. realname mail.@smtp[0].mail - mailadresse mail.@smtp[0].auth - string: e.g. -P 222 user@domain.tld:myfolder

sms.@sms[0].admin - string: phonenumber

wireless.radio0.cronactive - string: '18:00 - 08:00'