
Replaces Ichihime to Nazrin. Original artwork by @ku_shi

Primary LanguageJavaScript


Replaces Ichihime to Nazrin. Original artwork by @ku_shi


  • Goto releases tab and click Touhou.Nazrin.Mod.mspe
  • Open up Majsoul Plus
  • Goto Extension Tab
  • Click alt_text in the interface and choose the downloaded file
  • Enable the mod

Advanced settings

Replace other characters

  1. Rename the following folders to their respective character names (Their names can be found inside %AppData%/Roaming/'Majsoul Plus'/static/2/v0.10.1.w/en/extendRes/charactor/ directory:
  • assets\audio\sound\{name}
  • assets\extendRes\charactor\{name}
  1. Edit resourcepack.json in the "resourcepack" array for all assests. i.e:
  • "extendRes/charactor/yiji/bighead.png" -> "extendRes/charactor/{name}/bighead.png"
  • "audio/sound/yiji/act_babei.mp3" -> "audio/sound/{name}/act_babei.mp3"
  1. Edit script.js in line 80(id found in %AppData%\Roaming\Majsoul Plus\static\2\v0.10.1.w\en\extendRes\emo directory:
  • case {id number}:


  • Replace Emotes
  • Replace voice tracks
  • I don't really care about the bio