
Raspberry Pi Hub (server) for weather + IR controller for robot vacuum + Nook Simple Touch weather display

Primary LanguagePython

Raspberry Pi Terminal Hub

Turning a RPi into a server hub using Raspian OS Lite.

Credits: Icons created by @erikflowers

The main.py file contains the primary logic of continuously running the code. It handles updating the weather data (every 15 minutes), and also triggering scheduled events (specifically for the robot vacuum). It outputs data as a Flask app at

  • --no-eufy: Useful flag when testing locally where the GPIO libraries are not installed. Skips the eufy related portions in the code.

Environment Variables

The following environments are needed for all components to work correctly.

Name Description Required
OWM_KEY OpenWeatherMap API key, needed for weather.py to function Yes
SERVER Remote server address, needed for scripts/triggerServer.sh to communicate with the correct server, defaults to localhost No


Various integrations for controlling / reporting devices and information.

Web Time

webTime.py: Fetches time based on a web API and IP address location. Eliminates the need for calculating daylight savings, etc. It defaults to EST - timezones can be specified in the initialization (timezone [string]).

  • fetch(): Pulls from time API for the given timezone


weather.py: Fetches weather based on submitted location, and returns it as a data struct. Takes a location [string] parameter (optional, defaults to first entry in locations.json). To find the coordinates of a location follow this guide for Google Maps.

  • fetch(): Pulls from OpenWeatherMap and returns struct for the server page.


eufy.py: Integration with IR emitter + receiver to control a Eufy Robovac 15C. The eufy.json file can be regenerated as well for other remotes.

  • pair(): Sequence for recording various buttons on Eufy remote
  • emit(): Command for emitting specified IR commands. Inputs should be a matching string to the stored commands.


transit.py: Acts as a wrapper for passed in city parameter for specific transit or traffic modules defined for each city.

  • fetch(): Runs the respective fetch command to retrieve and parse data.
  • data: The parsed data
  • Each submodule must have the following defined interface within the class:
    • init(self): no parameters can be passed in, initializes the data needed
    • fetch(self): no parameters, pulls and processes data into a []string
    • data: Class parameter where the []string is stored
    • Other functions may be included to assist with retrieving, processing, etc
    • See the Toronto Transit (TTC) module as an example


  • state.py: data state management for main loop
  • commands.py: simplified command line text for modifying sleep/delays

Web Server

Endpoint: GET /

  • Main endpoint for stylized webpage with all information

Endpoint: GET /raw

Endpoint: POST /vacuum

  • Example curl request: curl -X POST -d "cmd=start" localhost:5000/vacuum
  • Missing data will default to start_stop
  • Potential commands: start_stop, home, circle, edge, auto

Endpoint: POST /pull

  • Runs git pull on the repository on remote server
  • Example curl request: curl -X POST localhost:5000/pull

Endpoint GET /logs

  • Returns the cron.log file
  • Viewable using http://localhost:5000/logs or curl -X POST -d "format=cli" localhost:5000/logs
  • Format can be web (default) or cli

Endpoint POST /reboot

  • Restarts the server
  • Example curl request: curl -X POST localhost:5000/reboot

Endpoint POST /pre-push

  • Endpoint called in pre-push hook (delay for push before pull/reboot)
  • Example curl request: curl -X POST localhost:5000/pre-push


Autorun on RPi using CRON

@reboot sleep 60 && /usr/bin/python3 /home/pi/rpi-terminal-hub/main.py --server >> ~/cron.log 2>&1

Terminal Weather

IR Receiver + Emitter

RPi Timezones

Server Inspiration

Pre-Commit Hooks

  • Used for code formatting and triggering to local server
pip3 install pre-commit
pre-commit install && pre-commit install --hook-type pre-push


  • Add traffic module for driving commutes