
Video wall with multiple tiles that enables synchronized video playback, mirrored or tiled.

Primary LanguagePython


Build Status

2 monitor example

Video wall with multiple tiles that enables synchronized video playback, mirrored or tiled.

Demo videos

Description Video
6x RPI Zero - 720p - Big bug bunny
2x RPI Zero - 720p - Big bug bunny
2x RPI Zero - 720p - Simpsons
4x RPI Zero + laptop - 720p - Fantastic 4



Raspberry PI

Installation prerequisites
  • Raspbian Stretch Lite
  • Raspberry Pi 3 / Raspberry Pi Zero (other Pi's not tested)
  • Videowall repository is your current working directory
Installation from source
  • Install Raspbian Stretch lite on an sd card of at least 4GB
  • Place an ssh document in the /boot partition to enable direct ssh access
  • Login to the raspberry pi and start the installation:
sudo apt-get -y update && \
sudo apt-get -y install git && \
git clone https://github.com/reinzor/videowall.git && cd videowall && \

This installs the videowall software and enables a client service on startup.

Ubuntu x86

Installation / usage instruction video: https://youtu.be/XLXoX8bj2vA

Installation prerequisites
  • Ubuntu x86 16.04 LTS (other versions not tested)
  • Videowall repository is your current working directory


Raspberry PI

Components per client without cables

Cost ~15 USD per client

Quick start

Make sure you have sources the setup.bash from the root directory. This will set the Gstreamer plugin paths and appends the videowall library to your PYTHONPATH.





This is automatically started on a raspberry pi after installation. Can be manually started on an ubuntu x86 environment.

How to create release image

  • Create a git tag and update release notes
  • Ensure new MAC generation on startup
sudo rm -f /etc/network/mac
  • Create .img file on Ubuntu host computer (insert sd card):
sudo fdisk -l # Get the disk name of the sd card
sudo dd bs=4M if=/path/to/disk of=/path/to/image.img
sudo ./pishrink.sh /path/to/image.img /path/to/shrinked_image.img
  • Create a tar.gz from image file:
Right click, compress, tar.gz
