
This repository is part of a Code&Share Aarhus Workshop being held Thursday, Oct. 24. 2019. This workshop focuses on the live coding framework ORCA. Frederik la Cour introduces basic principles of ORCA and Pilot, and lets participants work with these on their own. By the end of the workshop, we'll present our work to each other. Bring your laptop and a pair of headphones



You can download builds for OSX, Windows and Linux, or if you wish to build it yourself, follow these steps:

  • If you have Git, open up your terminal, or command-prompt(CMD).
git clone https://github.com/hundredrabbits/Orca.git
cd Orca/desktop/
npm install
npm start


Go to their Website https://hundredrabbits.itch.io/orca, and download your corresponding build.


you can always open up Orca by running the terminal and typing in

cd Orca/desktop/
npm install
npm start

What is Orca?

How to manuever

  • use the arrowkeys to move around the map
  • "space-bar" to play or pause Orca
  • (cmd/ctrl) + g = help overlay

Hello World (using Pilot)

Orca and Pilot can communicate with each other using UDP messages. These are symbolised with ";" in Orca. in this instance i have assigned the UDP-message with 3 parameters.

RED = UDP channels (0,1,2,3,4,5,6,7,8,9,A,B,C,D,E,F)

GREEN = Note value (2C = second octave, middle C)

BLUE = Bang! = "*" = Activates the message = micro compiling

Basic Operators


  • A = adding to parameters

  • C = counter


  • D = Bang, different speeds

  • F = if (equal) statement, then Bang


  • J = Jumber (vertical)

  • Y = Yumber (horisontal)

  • G = write multiple operands at offset coordinates

  • X = write operand with offset

H = Halts southward operand

Copy, Paste, Delete Algorithms with Orca

  • press shift + arrowkeys to make a larger selection
  • press shift + (cmd/ctrl)+arrowkeys to make a larger selection faster
  • use (cmd/ctrl)+c and (cmd/ctrl)+v, as per usual to copy and paste your algorithms
  • use backspace to delete algorithms

Connect Orca with?



  • Pilot

  • Zupitor web browser modular synth

  • VCV Rack


  • Max/MSP
  • Ableton/ any DAW
  • External Hardware Synths with Midi-inputs

Ways of Communicating

  • UDP = Pilot, Max/MSP
  • MIDI = External Hardware, Ableton, VCV Rack, Zupitor, Max/MSP...
  • OSC = Sonic Pi, Max/MSP

Example Code


In the video I am sending a Midi message from Orca to a hardware synth, and then routing the hardware synths audio through Max/MSP where I use a "yafr2"-reverb to make the sound more spacious. Lets us try to accomplish a similar result using just Orca and Pilot!

